Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом with. Страница четыре

Словосочетания со словом with. Страница четыре

come to grips with
To get hold of (another wrestler) in close fighting.
After circling around for a minute, the two wrestlers came to grips with each other.
To struggle seriously with (an idea or problem).
Mr. Blake's leaching helps students come to grips with the important ideas in the history lesson.
Harry cannot be a leader, because he never quite comes to grips with a problem.
come up with
To offer.
We can always depend on John Smith to come up with a good solution for any problem we might have.
To produce on demand.
I won't be able to buy this car, because I cannot come up with the down payment you require.
To find.
How on earth did you come up with such a brilliant idea?
deal with
To conduct negotiations or business dealings with.
John refuses to deal with the firm of Brown and Miller.
To handle a problem.
Ted is a very strong person and dealt with the fact that his wife had left him much better than anyone else I know.
die in one's boots
die with one's boots on
To be killed or hanged rather than die in bed.
To die while still active in one`s work or doing a job.
Умереть ведя активный образ жизни, а не в постели.
The badmen of the Old West usually died in their boots.
The robber said he wanted to die with his boots on.
He does not want to retire, he wants to die with his boots on.
Он не хочет выходить в отставку, он хочет умереть не прекращая работать.
My grandfather traveled a lot. He died with his boots on.
Мой дедушка много путешествовал. Он умер, ведя активную жизнь.
die on the vine
wither on the vine
To fail or collapse in the planning stages.
Потерпеть неудачу или крах на этапах планирования.
The program for rebuilding the city died on the vine.
Программа восстановления города заглохла на корню.
Without proper funding and support, many promising projects in the startup incubator tend to die on the vine.
Без надлежащего финансирования и поддержки многие перспективные проекты в стартап-инкубаторе, как правило, умирают на корню.
Many great ideas can wither on the vine if they aren't nurtured and developed in the early stages.
Многие великие идеи могут завянуть на корню, если их не взращивать и не развивать на ранних стадиях.
If the new policies aren't implemented effectively, the initiative to improve education may wither on the vine.
Если новая политика не будет эффективно реализована, инициатива по улучшению образования может зачахнуть на корню.
do away with
To put an end to; stop.
The teachers want to do away with cheating in their school.
The city has decided to do away with overhead wires.
It may never be possible to do away with all forms of prejudice and discrimination in the world.
To kill; murder.
The robbers did away with their victims.
do with
To find enough for one's needs; manage. Usually follows can.
Some children can do with very little spending money.
To make use of; find useful or helpful. Follows can or could.
After a hard day's work, a man can do with a good, hot meal.
After cleaning out the basement, the boy could do with a bath.
do without
go without
To live or work without (something you want); manage without.
Ann said that she likes candy, but can do without it.
We had to go without hot food because the stove was broken.
With prices so high now, I’ll have to do without a new suit this year.
To live or work without something you want; manage.
If George cannot earn money for a bicycle, he will have to do without.
As a travelling salesperson, Monica can’t do without a car.
It’s a shame that so many poor people in the world have to go without basic necessities of life such as nutritious food and suitable shelter.