Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом with. Страница три

Словосочетания со словом with. Страница три

carry away
get carried away with
be carried away by
be carried away with
To cause very strong feeling; excite or delight to the loss of cool judgment.
The music carried her away.
He let his anger carry him away.
Often used in the passive.
She was carried away by the man's charm.
He was carried away by the sight of the flag.
Paula and Leanne were carried away by the sad movie that they saw together.
James got carried away with anger when his roommate crashed his new car into a telephone pole.
catch with one's pants down
To surprise someone in an embarrassing position or guilty act.
Застать кого-либо в затруднительной, смущающей ситуации или за совершением преступления.
They thought they could succeed in the robbery, but they got caught with their pants down.
When the weather turned hot in May, the drive-in restaurant was caught with its pants down, and ran out of ice cream before noon.
Our neighbours were caught interfering with their electricity metre - caught with their pants down!
Наших соседей поймали, когда они крутили счетчик электричества – с поличным!
charge with
To accuse someone in a court of law.
Обвинять кого-либо в суде.
The criminal was charged with aggravated kidnapping across a state line.
Преступнику предъявили обвинение в похищении человека с пересечением границы штата.
The prosecutor decided to charge him with theft after reviewing the evidence collected at the scene.
Прокурор принял решение предъявить ему обвинение в краже после изучения доказательств, собранных на месте преступления.
Following the incident, the company was charged with violating environmental regulations.
После инцидента компании были предъявлены обвинения в нарушении экологических норм.
check with
To consult.
I want to check with my lawyer before I sign the papers.
To agree with.
Does my reconciliation of our account check with the bank statement?
chum around with
To be close friends with someone.
They have been chumming around with one another for quite some time.
To travel around with someone.
Jack is planning to chum around with Tim in Europe this summer.
come down with
To become sick with; catch.
Заболеть чем-либо; подхватить болезнь; слечь с какой-либо болезнью.
We all came down with the mumps.
After being out in the rain, George came down with a cold.
My niece came down with a cold and was unable to visit me last week.
Моя племянница слегла с простудой и не смогла меня навестить на прошлой неделе.
come off with flying colors
through with flying colors
To succeed; triumph.
Добиваться успеха; торжествовать.
John came off with flying colors in his final exams at college.
Джон блестяще сдал выпускные экзамены в колледже.
The team worked tirelessly on the project, and they came off with flying colors during the presentation, impressing both the clients and their manager.
Команда работала над проектом не покладая рук и блестяще справилась с презентацией, произведя впечатление как на клиентов, так и на их менеджера.
The team completed the project ahead of schedule and presented it to the board, receiving praise and approval through with flying colors.
Команда завершила проект раньше срока и с блеском представила его совету директоров, получив похвалу и одобрение.
She approached the job interview confidently and answered all the questions expertly, leaving the panel convinced she would sail through with flying colors.
Она уверенно подошла к собеседованию и квалифицированно ответила на все вопросы, с блеском убедив комиссию в том, что она подходит для этой работы.
come out with
To make a public announcement of; make known.
He came out with a clear declaration of his principles.
To say.
He comes out with the funniest remarks you can imagine.