Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом with. Страница девять

Словосочетания со словом with. Страница девять

handle without gloves
To deal with a situation or person in a direct, forceful, or unrestrained manner, often without concern for delicacy or sensitivity
Не церемониться, поступать грубо.
When it comes to giving constructive criticism, I prefer to handle the feedback without gloves; I believe honesty is the best policy.
Когда дело доходит до конструктивной критики, я предпочитаю не церемониться; я считаю, что честность — лучшая политика.
After years of being polite, she decided to handle the issue with her friend without gloves, finally expressing her true feelings.
После многих лет вежливости она решила обсудить этот вопрос с подругой прямо, наконец выразив свои истинные чувства
The candidate has a reputation for handling opponents without gloves, often launching direct attacks during debates.
Кандидат имеет репутацию человека, который обходится с оппонентами грубо и часто прибегает к прямым нападкам во время дебатов.
hard line
take a hard line with
A strict and inflexible view of or position on something.
Строгий и непреклонный взгляд или позиция по чему-либо.
Although modern economists were trying to persuade him to open up to the West, Castro has always taken the hard line approach.
Хотя современные экономисты пытались убедить его открыться Западу, Кастро всегда придерживался жесткой линии.
The senator said she would take a hard line against introducing new taxes on the middle class.
Сенатор заявила, что займет жесткую позицию против введения новых налогов для среднего класса.
The President was taking a hard line on the budget
Президент занял жесткую позицию по бюджету
have a way with
To be able to lead, persuade, or influence.
Dave has such a way with the campers that they do everything he tells them to do.
Ted will be a good veterinarian, because he has a way with animals.
have a word with
To talk, discuss, or speak briefly with.
Robert, I need to have a word with you about tomorrow's exam.
To engage in a sincere discussion with the purpose of persuading the other person or let him or her know of one's dissatisfaction.
Our boss has been making funny decisions lately; I think we ought to have a word with him.
have an affair with
To have a sexual relationship with someone, either before marriage or outside of one's marriage.
Иметь сексуальные отношения с кем-либо, как до брака, так и вне его.
Tow and Jane had a long and complex affair but they never got married.
У Тоу и Джейн был долгий и сложный роман, но они так и не поженились.
She discovered that her husband had been having an affair with a co-worker for over a year.
Она узнала, что у ее мужа уже больше года роман с коллегой.
The scandal broke when it was revealed that the senator was having an affair with a lobbyist.
Скандал разразился, когда выяснилось, что у сенатора был роман с лоббистом.
have done with
To stop doing or using something.
When you have done with that paintbrush, Barbara, I would like to use it.
I wish you would have done with your criticisms.
have nothing to do with
To not be involved with; not care about.
Не иметь отношения к чему-либо; не заботиться о чем-либо.
Our firm has nothing to do with oil from the Near East; we are interested in solar energy.
Наша фирма не имеет никакого отношения к ближневосточной нефти; нас интересует солнечная энергия.
The accusations against him have nothing to do with the truth; they are just based on misunderstandings.
Обвинения против него не имеют ничего общего с правдой; они основаны лишь на недоразумениях.
The delay in the shipment has nothing to do with our team; it was caused by external suppliers.
Задержка с отгрузкой не имеет никакого отношения к нашей команде; она была вызвана внешними поставщиками.
have to do with
To be about; be on the subject of or connected with.
The book has to do with airplanes.
Ralph insisted that he had nothing to do with breaking the window.
What does your suggestion have to do with our problem?
To know or be a friend of; work or have business with. Usually used in negative sentence.
Tom said he didn't want to have anything to do with the new boy.
I had nothing to do with the party; I was home that night.