Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом with. Страница одиннадцать

Словосочетания со словом with. Страница одиннадцать

in reference to
with reference to
in regard to
with regard to
In connection with; from the standpoint of; concerning; regarding; about.
I am writing with reference to your last letter.
He spoke in reference to the Boy Scouts.
I spoke to him with regard to his low marks.
In regard to the test tomorrow, it is postponed.
in relation to
with relation to
In connection with; in dealing with; as concerns; in comparison to; respecting; about.
Father spoke about school in relation to finding a job when we are older.
What did you say in relation to what happened yesterday?
With relation to his job, skill is very important.
In relation to Texas, Rhode Island is quite a small state.
in respect to
with respect to
In connection with; related to, about; on.
The teacher told stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest.
In respect to your visit with us, we hope you can come before September.
There was no shortage in respect to food.
in with
In friendship, favor, or closeness with; in the trust or liking of.
We trusted on Byrd's being in with the mayor, not knowing that the mayor no longer liked him.
It took the new family some time to get in with their neighbors.
keep in touch with
get in touch with
be in touch with
stay in touch with
Talking or writing to each other; giving and getting news; having contact. To remain in communication with; maintain contact with.
John kept in touch with his school friends during the summer.
Police anywhere in the U.S. can get in touch instantly with any other police department by teletype.
The man claimed to be in touch with people on another planet.
You can get in touch with him by calling the Burma Hotel.
I've been trying all morning to get in touch with Miss Peters, but her phone is always busy.
James will be in touch with us soon to relay the details of the plan.
I certainly enjoyed seeing you again after all these years. Let’s be sure to keep in touch.
Don't forget to keep in touch, either by letter or phone, when you're in Europe!
You can telephone me every few days, and in that way we can keep in touch with each other.
He promised to stay in touch with us while he was abroad. However, we were very disappointed that he never did get in touch with us.
keep step with
keep up step with
To maintain the same degree of progress as someone else.
Поддерживать тот же уровень прогресса, что и кто-то другой.
The United States has no choice but to keep step with potential enemies in terms of modern defense systems.
У Соединенных Штатов нет иного выбора, кроме как идти в ногу с потенциальными противниками в плане современных систем обороны.
As technology rapidly evolves, it’s crucial for businesses to keep step with the latest innovations to remain competitive in the market.
Поскольку технологии стремительно развиваются, для предприятий крайне важно идти в ногу с новейшими инновациями, чтобы оставаться конкурентоспособными на рынке.
She struggled to keep up step with her classmates, who seemed to grasp the complex material much faster.
Ей было трудно поспевать за одноклассниками, которые, казалось, схватывали сложный материал гораздо быстрее.
It's essential for businesses to keep up step with consumer preferences to stay relevant in the market.
Чтобы оставаться востребованными на рынке, компаниям важно идти в ногу с предпочтениями потребителей.
keep up with the Joneses
To follow the latest fashion; try to be equal with your neighbors.
Mrs. Smith kept buying every new thing that was advertised, finally Mr. Smith told her to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and to start thinking for herself.
kill two birds with one stone
To succeed in doing two things by only one action; get two results from one effort.
Mother stopped at the supermarket to buy bread and then went to get Jane at dancing class; she killed two birds with one stone.
The history teacher told us that making an outline kills two birds with one stone; it makes us study the lesson till we understand it, and it gives us notes to review before the test.