head over heels in love with
Быть очень сильно влюбленным в кого-то, быть по уши влюбленным.
My friend is head over heels in love with someone in his company.
Мой друг по уши влюбился в кого-то из его компании.
She is head over heels in love with her new boyfrend.
Она по уши влюблена в своего нового парня.
My friend is head over heels in love with the girl in his company.
Мой друг влюбился по уши в девушку из его компании.
heart and soul
with heart and soul
Eager love; strong feeling; great enthusiasm. Often used with a singular verb.
When Mr. Pitt plays the piano, his heart and soul is in it.
John plays tennis badly, but with heart and soul.
Mary wanted a puppy with all her heart and soul.
Wholly and eagerly; with all one's interest and strength; completely.
Will you try to make our city a better place? Then we are with you heart and soul.
Mike was heart and soul against the new rules.
hoist with one's own petard
Caught in your own trap or trick. (From Shakespeare; literally, blown up with one's own bomb.)
Пойман в собственную ловушку или уловку. (От Шекспира; буквально: взорван собственной бомбой.)
Jack carried office gossip to the boss until he was hoisted by his own petard.
Джек доносил офисные сплетни до начальника, пока на него не донесли тоже.
After trying to frame his opponent with fabricated evidence, the politician found himself hoist with his own petard when the truth came out, leading to his own indictment.
Попытавшись подставить своего оппонента с помощью сфабрикованных доказательств, политик сам оказался подставлен под удар, когда правда вышла наружу, что привело к предъявлению ему собственного обвинения.
The CEO attempted to undercut a rival company by launching a smear campaign, only to be hoist with his own petard when his unethical practices were revealed, damaging his own company's reputation.
Генеральный директор попытался подорвать конкурирующую компанию, запустив клеветническую кампанию, но только навредил себе, когда его неэтичные действия были раскрыты, что нанесло ущерб репутации его собственной компании.
hurry on with
make haste with
To make rapid progress in an undertaking.
Достигать быстрого прогресса в каком-либо начинании.
Sue promised to hurry on with the report and send it out today.
Сью обещала поторопиться с отчетом и отправить его сегодня.
After receiving the latest updates, the team was eager to hurry on with the marketing campaign.
Получив последние обновления, команда с нетерпением ждала возможности поскорее приступить к маркетинговой кампании.
With the storm approaching, the crew had to make haste with securing the boat to ensure it wouldn't be damaged.
С приближением шторма экипажу пришлось поторопиться с закреплением лодки, чтобы она не получила повреждений.
As the deadline approached, the team had to make haste with their project to ensure everything was completed on time.
По мере приближения крайнего срока команде пришлось торопиться с проектом, чтобы все было завершено вовремя.
in accordance with
In consonance with something; conforming to something.
Employees at this firm are expected to always behave in accordance with the rules.
in cahoots with
In secret agreement or partnership with (someone); working together secretly with, especially for harm.
The mayor's enemies spread a rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters.
in league with
In secret agreement or partnership with (someone); working together secretly with, especially for harm.
People once believed that some women were witches in league with the devil.
in line with
In agreement with.
Behavior at school parties must be in line with school rules.
In line with the custom of the school, the students had a holiday between Christmas and New Year's Day.