Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом king

Фразеологизмы со словом king

alive and kicking
Very active; vigorous; full of energy.
Grandpa was taken to the hospital with pneumonia, but he was discharged yesterday and is alive and kicking.
as cocky as the king of spades
дословно: такой же дерзкий, как и король пик
Хвастливый, чересчур гордый.
My friend is as cocky as the king of spades. He thinks that he can do anything.
Мой друг слишком высокого мнения о себе. Он думает, что может все.
asking for trouble
"Лезть на рожон"; вести себя вызывающе, опасно.
Going to that dangerous street is really asking for trouble!
Идти на ту опасную улицу — это все равно что искать неприятности!
be looking up
things are looking up
Informal way to say that conditions are improving.
Things are looking up at our university as the governor promised a 5% salary raise.
The board chairman is glad to report that things are looking up for the company after several years of declining sales.
Prospects for building that new library in the downtown area are looking up.
be the making of
To account for the success of someone or something.
The strict discipline that we had to undergo in graduate school was the making of many a successful professor.
The relatively low cost and high gas mileage are the making of Chevrolet's Geo Metro cars.
can't make an omelette without breaking (some) eggs
To achieve a certain goal one must sometimes incur damage, experience difficulties, or make sacrifices. A proverb.
"Лес рубят - щепки летят", что-бы достичь какой-нибудь цели иногда нужно чем-то жертвовать, преодолевать трудности.
When we drove across the country, we put a lot of mileage on our car and had a flat tire, but it was a pleasant trip. "Well, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs," my wife said with a smile.
You can't make an omelette without breaking the eggs. So if you want to change the work schedules, then you should be ready for the consequences of your actions.
Лес рубят щепки летят, так что если хочешь изменить расписание работы, то будь готов к последствиям своих действий.
cotton picking
Worthless, crude, common, messy.
Keep your cotton picking hands off my flowers!
You've got to clean up your room, son, this is a cotton-pickin' mess!
fit for a king
Полностью подходить, полностью удовлетворять потребности.
The design of their office is fit for a king.
Дизайн их офиса полностью удовлетворяет.