Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом king. Страница три

Фразеологизмы со словом king. Страница три

like kicking dead whales down the beach
Бесполезное или мало эффективное дело<
Getting him to adopt the new method is like kicking dead whales down the beach.
Почти безнадежно заставить его применять новый метод.
like looking for a needle in a haystack
look for a needle in a haystack
Something that will be very hard to find.
"I lost my class ring somewhere in the front yard," said June.
Jim answered, "Too bad. That will be like finding a needle in a haystack."
masking tape
A paper tape that is stuck around the edges of a surface being painted to keep the paint off the surface next to it.
The painters put masking tape around the window frames to keep the paint off the glass.
my dogs are barking
Когда кто-то говорит это, он подразумевает, что у него болят ноги.
I've been shopping all day. My dogs are barking.
Я весь день ходила по магазинам. Ноги заболели.
pecking order
The way people are ranked in relation to each other (for honor, privilege, or power); status classification; hierarchy.
After the president was in office several months, his staff developed a pecking order.
put on one's thinking cap
To think hard and long about some problem or question.
Задумываться серьезно о том, как решить проблему.
Miss Stone told her pupils to put on their thinking caps before answering the question.
The economy is in a mess, it's time for everyone to put their thinking caps on.
Экономика в беспорядке, пора каждому серьезно подумать о том, как решить эту проблему.
quaking in one's boots
Быть чем-то сильно напуганным; испугаться.
When he saw the crocodiles in the water, he started quaking in his boots.
Когда он увидел крокодилов в воде, то перепугался.
roughly speaking
Approximately; in general terms.
Roughly speaking, about 250 people attended the annual convention of the Dictionary Society of America.