Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом king. Страница пять

Фразеологизмы со словом king. Страница пять

the king can do no wrong
Дословно: короли не ошибаются.
Высокопоставленному лицу все сходит с рук, начальству все дозволено.
My husband has been fired because of his superior. The king can do no wrong!
Моего мужа уволили из-за его начальника. Высокопоставленному лицу все сходит с рук!
to the kings taste
to the queen's taste
Perfectly; just as anyone could want it; very satisfactorily.
The rooms in her new home were painted and decorated to the queen's taste.
The soldiers dressed and marched to the king's taste.
walking dictionary
A person highly knowledgeable in matters of language use.
If you want to know what "serendipity" means, ask my Uncle Fred. He is a professor of English and is also a walking dictionary.
walking encyclopedia
A polymath; a person very well versed in a number of different disciplines.
My uncle is a veritable walking encyclopedia when it comes to the history of World War II.
walking papers
walking orders
walking ticket
A statement that you are fired from your job; dismissal.
The boss was not satisfied with Paul's work and gave him his walking papers.
George is out of work. He picked up his walking ticket last Friday.
what's up
what's cooking
what's doing
What is happening or planned; what is wrong. Often used as a greeting.
"What's up?" asked Bob as he joined his friends. "Are you going to the movies?"
What's cooking? Why is the crowd in the street?
What's doing tonight at the club?
Hello Bob, what's up?
working girl
A prostitute.
I didn't know Roxanne was a working girl.
A girl, usually single, who supports herself by working in an honest job, such as in an office, etc.
The average working girl can't afford such a fancy car.