Given to egotism and self-aggrandizement.
Al is the most self-seeking person I've ever met, he is not fun to be around.
send one packing
To fire someone summarily.
Уволить, выгнать кого-либо без долгих церемоний.
When the boss caught Smith stealing from the cash register, he sent him packing.
When Amanda discovered that Jack had been unfaithful, she sent him packing.
Когда Аманда узнала, что Джек ей изменял, то выставила его за дверь.
shrinking violet
A person referred to as a shrinking violet is a timid or shy person.
Очень скромный или застенчивый человек.
The bridesmaid was no shrinking violet. She had no difficulty expressing herself!
Подружка невесты была далеко не застенчива. Она не стеснялась выражать себя!
take a fancy to
take a liking to
To become fond of; cultivate a predilection for.
Пристраститься к чему-л.; развить в себе пристрастие к чему-л.
Aunt Hermione has taken a fancy to antique furniture.
Тетя Гермиона обожает антикварную мебель.
Ever since she saw that beautiful dress in the window, she's taken a fancy to it and has been saving up to buy it.
С тех пор, как она увидела в витрине это прекрасное платье, оно ей очень понравилось, и она копила деньги, чтобы купить его.
After spending a week in Italy, I’ve taken a liking to their delicious pasta dishes.
Проведя неделю в Италии, я пристрастился к их восхитительным блюдам из макарон.
I took a liking to that mystery novel and finished it in just two days!
Мне понравился этот детективный роман, и я прочитала его всего за два дня!
take one's leave
take leave of
To say good-bye and leave.
He stayed on after most of the guests had taken their leave.
The messenger bowed and took leave of the queen.
The end of school in June is a time of leave-taking.
taking pictures
To use a radar-operated speed indicator in order to enforce the 55 MPH speed limit.
The Smokeys are taking pictures!
talking book
A book recorded by voice on phonograph records for blind people.
Billy, who was blind, learned history from a talking book.
talking point
Something good about a person or thing that can be talked about in selling it.
The streamlined shape of the car was one of its talking points.
John tried to get Mary to date Bill. One of his talking points was that Bill was captain of the football team.