for the asking
By asking; by asking for it; on request.
John said I could borrow his bike any time. It was mine for the asking.
Teacher said her advice was free for the asking.
get cracking
To hurry up, to start moving fast. Used mostly as an imperative.
Come on, you guys, let's get cracking! (Let's hurry up!)
To begin to move; get started.
The foreman told the workmen to get cracking.
have the makings of
To possess the basic ingredients; have the basic qualities to do something.
Tom is still young but he seems to have the makings of an excellent pianist.
joking aside
joking apart
No fooling; without exaggerating: seriously.
Joking aside, although the conditions were not very comfortable, we had a wonderful time.
Joking apart, there must have been over a hundred people in the room.
king Stork
Дословно: король Аист.
Тиран, деспот (из басни Эзопа о лягушках, выбирающих себе короля).
Тиран, деспот (из басни Эзопа о лягушках, выбирающих себе короля).
He acts like the King Stork.
Он ведет себя как тиран.
king's ransom
An excessively large sum of money extorted by kidnappers to let someone go free.
The Smith family had to pay a kings ransom for the freedom of their seven-year-old son, Tommy.
An exorbitant fee one is forced to pay.
The realtors exacted a king's ransom for that choice lot on the comer.
kings go mad, and the people suffer for it
Дословно: короли сходят с ума, а народ страдает.
Русский аналог: паны дерутся - у холопов чубы трещат.
Русский аналог: паны дерутся - у холопов чубы трещат.
Life is always like this: kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.
В жизни всегда так: короли сходят с ума, а народ расплачивается.
kings have long arms
Дословно: у королей длинные руки.
Человека, обладающего большой властью, следует опасаться.
Человека, обладающего большой властью, следует опасаться.
I’m afraid that kings have long arms.
Я боюсь не скрыться от его мести.