Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом into. Страница восемь

Словосочетания со словом into. Страница восемь

put ideas into one's head
To persuade someone to do something negative; put one up to something.
Billy would never have poured glue into his father's shoes if the neighbor's son hadn't been putting ideas into his head.
put one's back to it
put one's back into it
To make a real effort; to try.
Работать настолько сильно, насколько возможно.
You can finish the job by noon if you put your back to it.
I'm sure you can make the football team if you put your back to it.
Keep trying. Put your back into it.
Продолжай пытаться. Работай насколько есть силы.
put words into one's mouth
To say without proof that another person has certain feelings or opinions; claim a stand or an idea is another's without asking; speak for another without right.
When he said "John here is in favor of the idea." I told him not to put words in my mouth.
read into
To attribute extra meaning to; deduce from; consider to be implicit in.
Just because Fred's letters sounded so friendly Mary was wrong to read anything serious into them.
rip into
tear into
To start a fight with; attack.
The puppy is tearing into the big dog.
To quarrel with; scold.
Mrs. Brown ripped into her daughter for coming home late.
rope Into
To trick into; persuade dishonestly.
Jerry let the big boys rope him into stealing some apples.
To get (someone) to join in; persuade to work at.
It was Sue's job to bathe the dog but she roped Sam into helping her.
Mother did not go to the first meeting of the club because she was afraid she would be roped into something.
rub salt into one's wounds
To deliberately add pain when one feels shame, regret, or defeat.
Must you rub salt into my wounds by telling me how much fun I missed by not going to the party?
run into the ground
To do or use (something) more than is wanted or needed.
It's all right to borrow my hammer once in a while, but don't run it into the ground.
To win over or defeat (someone) completely.
We lost the game today, but tomorrow we'll run them into the ground.