Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом into. Страница девять

Словосочетания со словом into. Страница девять

run into
To mix with; join with.
If the paint brush is too wet, the red paint will run into the white on the house.
This small brook runs into a big river in the valley below.
To add up to; reach; total.
Car repairs can run into a lot of money.
The number of people killed on the highways during holidays runs into hundreds.
A good dictionary may run into several editions.
Bump; crash into; hit.
Joe lost control of his bike and ran into a tree.
The drunk driver was slightly injured when he ran into a telephone pole.
To meet by chance.
I ran into Joe yesterday on Main Street.
It was a shock to run into an old friend from high school recently.
Be affected by; get into.
I ran into trouble on the last problem on the test.
When I ran into a problem while making my model airplane, I asked Uncle Mark for help.
sail into
To attack with great strength; begin hitting hard.
George grabbed a stick and sailed into the dog.
To scold or criticize very hard.
The coach really sailed into Bob for dropping the pass.
see into
To know or understand the real nature or meaning of.
Suddenly the teacher saw into Linda's strange actions.
spit into the wedding cake
piss into the wedding cake
To spoil someone's pleasure or celebration by doing or saying something harsh or unseemly in an otherwise happy gathering; bring up depressing or unhappy subjects at a supposedly happy time.
Stuart really spit into the wedding cake when he told Burt in a bragging fashion that Lucy, Burl's bride, used to be his girlfriend.
step into one's shoes
To do what someone else usually does after he has stopped doing it.
When Bill's father died, Bill had to step into his father's shoes to support his mother.
A coach trains the junior varsity to step into the shoes of the members of the varsity team when they graduate.
When the boss retires, his son will step into his shoes.
step into
To come or go into.
The taxi stopped, and we stepped into it.
Mr. Jones called to his secretary to step into his office.
Would you step into the hallway so that I can show you the information posted on the bulletin board?
To begin to do, undertake.
When the star became sick, his understudy stepped into his part.
When Bill graduates from college, he will step into a job in his father's bank.
stone wall
brick wall
run into a stone wall
run into a brick wall
Something hard to overcome; an idea or belief that is hard to change.
The students ran into a brick wall when they asked the principal to put off the examination.
Dick tried to change Father's mind about letting him use the car Saturday night, but he was up against a stone wall.
swear in
swear into
To have a person swear or promise to do his duty as a member or an officer of an organization, government department, or similar group. Swear into is used when the name of the group is given.
Mary and Ann will be sworn into the club tonight.
Fred was sworn in as class president.
Many new men were sworn into the army last month.
At the inauguration, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President.