Словосочетания со словом into. Страница шесть

into line
Into agreement.
The department's spending was brought into line with the budget.
Under control.
Independent congressmen were brought into line by warnings that jobs for their friends would be kept back.
The players who had broken training rules fell into line when the coach warned them that they would he put off the team.
into orbit
Thrilled; exuberantly happy; in very high spirits.
When Carol won the lottery she went right into orbit.
into question
Into doubt or argument. Usually used with call, bring or come.
This soldier's courage has never been called into question.
If a boy steals, his parents' teaching comes into question.
into thin air
Without anything left; completely.
When Bob returned to the room, he was surprised to find that his books had vanished into thin air.
lace into
tie into
To attack physically or with words; begin to hit or criticize.
The boxer laced into his opponent.
The critics laced into the new movie.
lay into
light into
To attack physically; go at vigorously.
The two fighters laid into each other as soon as the bell rang.
John loves Italian food and he really laid into the spaghetti.
To attack with words.
The senator laid into the opponents of his bill.
lick into shape
To make perfect; drill; train.
The sergeant licked the new volunteer army into shape in three months.
look into
check into
To find out the facts about; examine; study; inspect; to investigate; to examine carefully.
The mayor felt he should look into the decrease of income from parking meters.
Mr. Jones said he was looking into the possibility of buying a house.
The police are looking into the matter of the stolen computers.
The congressional committee will check into the financial dealings of the government contractor.