Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом into. Страница пять

Словосочетания со словом into. Страница пять

in one's blood
into one's blood
Agreeing perfectly with one's sympathies, feelings, and desires.
Living in a warm section of the country gets in your blood.
The woods got into Jim's blood.
in one's shell
into one's shell
In or into bashfulness; into silence; not sociable; unfriendly.
After Mary's mother scolded her, she went into her shell.
The teacher tried to get Rose to talk to her, but she stayed in her shell.
in practice
into practice
In actual doing.
The idea sounds good but will it work in practice?
It is easy to say that we will he good. It is harder to put the saying into practice.
In proper condition to do something well through practice.
A pianist gets his fingers in practice by playing scales.
An ice-skater keeps in practice by skating every day.
in the bargain
into the bargain
In addition; besides; also.
Frank is a teacher, and an artist into the bargain.
The heat failed, and then the roof began to leak in the bargain.
in the clear
into the clear
Free of anything that makes moving or seeing difficult; with nothing to limit action.
The plane climbed above the clouds and was flying in the clear.
Jack passed the ball to Tim, who was in the clear and ran for a touchdown.
Free of blame or suspicion; not thought to be guilty.
After John told the principal that he broke the window, Martin was in the clear.
Steve was the last to leave the locker room, and the boys suspected him of stealing Tom's watch, but the coach found the watch and put Steve in the clear.
Because of the new evidence found, Sam is still in the clear, but Harry is still behind bars.
Free of debt; not owing money to anyone.
Bob borrowed a thousand dollars from his father to start his business, but at the end of the first year he was in the clear.
in the doldrums
into the doldrums
Inactive; sluggish; depressed.
The news of our factory's going out of business put all of us in the doldrums.
in the limelight
into the limelight
In the center of attention.
Some people will do almost anything to be able to step into the limelight.
into effect
Into use or operation.
The new rule was put into effect at once.
The judge ordered the old suspended penalty into effect.