Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом into. Страница три

Словосочетания со словом into. Страница три

drop into
To stop (somewhere) for a short visit or a short time.
We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there, but he wasn't.
I dropped into the drugstore for some toothpaste and a magazine.
fall in place
fall into place
To suddenly make sense; find the natural or proper place for the missing pieces of a puzzle.
When the detectives realized that a second man was seen at the place of the murder, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
fall into one's lap
Свалиться с неба. Что-то, что случается без усилий с вашей стороны.
She's not making much effort to find work. Does she think a job will fall into her lap?
Она не особенно старается найти работу. Она что, думает, что место само свалится с неба?
fall into the habit of
To develop the custom of doing something.
Jack has fallen into the bad habit of playing poker for large sums of money every night.
fling yourself into something
Тратить все свое время и энергия на что-то.
Ever since she flung herself into the anti-pollution campaign, she rarely has a free moment!
С тех пор как она со рвением принялась за кампанию по защите окружающей среды, у нее нет свободной минуты.
fly into a rage
fly into a temper
To become very angry.
By the time we mention the name of her ex-husband, she flies into a rage.
get into line
To cooperate; conform.
The maverick members of the party were advised to get into line unless they wanted to be expelled.
get it into one's head
something in one's head
To become possessed of an idea; develop a fixed idea.
Быть одержимым какой-либо идеей.
Jack got it into his head to become a marine and nothing we could say would make him change his mind.