Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом into. Страница два

Словосочетания со словом into. Страница два

burst into
To enter suddenly.
Stuart burst into the room, screaming angrily.
To break out.
The crowd burst into cheering when the astronauts paraded along Fifth Avenue.
call in question
call into question
call in doubt
To say (something) may be a mistake; express doubt about; question.
Bill called in question Ed's remark that basketball is safer than football.
come into one's own
To receive the wealth or respect that you should have.
John's grandfather died and left him a million dollars; when John is 21, he will come into his own.
With the success of the Model T Ford, the automobile industry came into its own.
come into
To receive, especially after another's death; get possession of.
He came into a lot of money when his father died.
He came into possession of the farm after his uncle died.
cut into
To make less; reduce.
The union made the company pay higher wages, which cut into the profits.
The other houses got old and shabby, and that cut into the value of his house.
At first Smith led in votes, but more votes came in and cut into his lead.
To get into by cutting in.
She heard the other women gossiping and cut into the talk.
While Bill was passing another car, a truck came around a curve heading for him, and Bill cut back into line quickly.
dip into
To scan or sample lightly and briefly (said of printed materials).
I didn't get a chance to read all of War and Peace, but I dipped into it here and there.
To take money out of a savings account or a piggy bank.
I am sorry to have to say that I had to dip into the piggy bank; I took out $6.75.
disappear into thin air
evaporate into thin air
vanish into thin air
To disappear quickly, without leaving a trace.
Money seems to disappear into thin air these days.
Jack just vanished into thin air before the meeting had started.
dive right into something
Погрузиться во что-то с головой.
When university started some of the students decided to dive right into their studies.
Когда начался учебный год, некоторые студенты сразу же ушли в учёбу с головой.