Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом together. Страница три

Словосочетания со словом together. Страница три

slap together
throw together
To make in a hurry and without care.
Bill and Bob threw together a cabin out of old lumber.
The party was planned suddenly, and Mary threw together a meal out of leftovers.
To put in with other people by chance.
The group of strangers was thrown together when the storm trapped them on the highway.
Bill and Tom became friends when they were thrown together in the same cabin at camp.
stick together
To remain close together in a situation.
Stick together in the cave so that no one gets lost.
The gang stuck together after the game.
Bill and Bob stick together in a game or in a fight.
together with
In addition to; in the company of; along with.
John, together with his brother, has gone to the party.
The police found a knife, together with the stolen money, hidden in a hollow tree.
walk down the aisle together
День брачная церемония; день, когда двое молодых людей "вместе прошли церковный неф", т.е. стали мужем и женой.
I remember the day, when we walked down the aisle with your mother.
Я помню тот день, кода мы поженились с твоей матерью.