band together
To join a group to exert united force.
The inhabitants of the ecologically threatened area banded together to stop the company from building new smokestacks.
birds of a feather flock together
People who are alike often become friends or are together; if you are often with certain people, you may be their friends or like them. A proverb.
Don't be friends with bad boys. People think that birds of a feather flock together.
get it all together
To be in full possession and control of one's mental faculties; have a clear purpose well pursued.
You've sure got it all together, haven't you?
Retaining one's self-composure under pressure.
A few minutes after the burglars left he got it all together and called the police.
To be well built, stacked (said of girls and women.)
Sue's sure got it all together, hasn't she?
get together
To come to an agreement; agree.
Mother says I should finish my arithmetic lesson, and Father says I should mow the lawn. Why don't you two get together?
A party; a gathering.
I hate to break up this nice get-together but we must leave.
We manage to have a get-together with our old friends once or twice a year.
go together
To go with the same boy or girl all the time; date just one person.
Herbert and Thelma go together.
To be suitable or agreeable with each other; match.
Roast turkey and cranberries go together.
Ice cream and cake go together.
Green and yellow go together.
hang together
To stay united; help and defend one another.
The club members always hung together when one of them was in trouble.
I suggest that the company dock everyone’s wage 10%. That way we hang together rather than hanging separate.
To form a satisfactory whole; fit together.
Jack's story of why he was absent from school seems to hang together.
keep body and soul together
To keep alive; survive.
Остаться в живых, выжить.
John was unemployed most of the year and hardly made enough money to keep body and soul together.
He was unemployed and homeless, but he somehow managed to keep body and soul together.
Он был безработным и бездомным, но каким-то образом сумел выжить.