Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом together. Страница два

Словосочетания со словом together. Страница два

pull oneself together
To become calm after being excited or disturbed; recover self-command; control yourself.
It had been a disturbing moment, but he was able to pull himself together.
pull together
To join your efforts with those of others; work on a task together; cooperate.
Many men must pull together if a large business is to succeed.
Tim was a good football captain because he always got his teammates to pull together.
To gather, to collect (information).
The reporter pulled together information from several sources in preparing the newspaper article.
To gain control of one’s emotions.
Mr. Simpson was so frightened when he heard footsteps behind him on the lonely, dark street that it took several minutes to pull himself together.
put their heads together
lay their heads together
To plan or consider things together; discuss something as a group; talk it over.
Совместно обсуждать дела или планы; обсуждать что-либо в группе.
They put their heads together and decided on a gift.
We laid our heads together and decided to have a picnic.
They put their heads together to discuss their plan of action.
Они обсудили план действий.
put together
To assemble. A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom. The preposition back is used when something has been disassembled and then is being reassembled.
Todd followed the directions on the box but he couldn’t manage to put the bicycle together properly.
After the teenager took the broken video game apart and fixed it, he was unable to put it back together again.
put together
To assemble. A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom. The preposition back is used when something has been disassembled and then is being reassembled.
Todd followed the directions on the box but he couldn’t manage to put the bicycle together properly.
After the teenager took the broken video game apart and fixed it, he was unable to put it back together again.
put together
To assemble. A noun or pronoun usually divides this idiom. The preposition back is used when something has been disassembled and then is being reassembled.
Todd followed the directions on the box but he couldn’t manage to put the bicycle together properly.
After the teenager took the broken video game apart and fixed it, he was unable to put it back together again.
put two and two together
To make decisions based on available proofs; reason from the known facts; conclude; decide.
Прийти к верному заключению; сделать вывод; сообразить, что к чему.
He had put two and two together and decided where they had probably gone.
It was just a mater of putting two and two together: the facts seemed to permit only one decision.
She put two and two together in that difficult situation.
Она сообразила, что к чему в той сложной ситуации.
scrape together
To quickly assemble, usually from scanty ingredients.
We were so hungry we had to scrape together some lunch from all kinds of frozen leftovers.