Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом take. Страница двадцать два

Фразеологизмы со словом take. Страница двадцать два

take up
To remove by taking in.
Use a blotter to take up the spilled ink.
When the vacuum cleaner bag is full, it will not take up dirt from the rug.
To fill or to occupy space, time, or energy.
All his evenings were taken up with study.
The oceans take up the greater part of the earth's surface.
The mayor has taken up residence on State Street.
The piano takes up too much space in our living room. However, it would take too much time up to move it right now so we’d better wait until later.
To gather together; collect.
We are taking up a collection to buy flowers for John because he is in the hospital.
To take away.
John had his driver's license taken up for speeding.
To begin; start.
The teacher took up the lesson where she left off yesterday.
After today’s exam, the class will be ready to take up the last chapter in the book.
To begin to do or learn; go into as a job or hobby.
He recently took up gardening.
He took up the carpenter's trade as a boy.
To pull and make tight or shorter; shorten.
The tailor took up the legs of the trousers.
Take up the slack on the rope!
To take or accept something that is offered.
The boss offered me a $5 raise and I took him up.
I took John up on his bet.
take with a grain of salt
take with a pinch of salt
To accept or believe only in part; not accept too much.
Принимать или верить во что-то только частичино; не доверять; скептически относиться.
A man who says he is not a candidate for President should usually have his statement taken with a grain of salt.
We took Uncle George's stories of the war with a pinch of salt.
I heard that the tuition fees are going to be reduced, but that should be taken with a grain of salt.
Я слышал, что стоимость обучения будет снижена, но я не думаю что это стопроцентная информация.
take-out order
An order in a restaurant that one does not eat on the premises, but takes home.
Заказ в ресторане, который не едят в ресторане, а забирают домой.
The new Chinese restaurant on the corner sells nice take-out orders.
Новый китайский ресторан на углу предлагает отличную еду на вынос.
Life sometimes feels like a take-out order; you never really know what you're going to get until it arrives at your door.
Иногда жизнь похожа на заказ еды на вынос: никогда не знаешь, что получишь, пока заказ не прибудет к твоей двери.
I approached my goals like a take-out order: I made a list, placed my request, and patiently waited for success to be delivered.
Я подходил к своим целям как к заказу еды на вынос: составлял список, оставлял заявку и терпеливо ждал, когда все получится.
taken aback
taken back
take aback
take back
Unpleasantly surprised; suddenly puzzled or shocked.
Неприятно удивлен; внезапно озадачен или шокирован.
When he came to pay for his dinner he was taken aback to find that he had left his wallet at home.
Когда он пришел платить за ужин, он был ошеломлен, обнаружив, что забыл свой кошелек дома.
When I heard the unexpected news, I was completely taken back; it was a reminder that life is full of surprises.
Когда я услышал неожиданную новость, я был совершенно ошеломлен; это было напоминанием о том, что жизнь полна сюрпризов.
His sudden change of heart took me back; I never expected him to reconsider his decision.
Его внезапная перемена взглядов шокировала меня; я и не ожидал, что он пересмотрит свое решение.
When she suddenly announced her resignation, I was completely taken aback; I had no idea she was unhappy with her job.
Когда она внезапно объявила о своей отставке, я был совершенно ошеломлен; я понятия не имел, что она недовольна своей работой.
taken by
taken with
To be impressed by; intrigued by.
Быть впечатленным; заинтригованным.
Ned was much taken by the elegance of Sophie's manners.
Нед был весьма тронут элегантностью манер Софи.
I was taken by the beauty of the sunset, a reminder that every ending can be breathtaking.
Меня покорила красота заката, напомнившего мне, что каждый финал может быть захватывающим.
At first, I was taken with the beauty of the landscape, but it was the warmth of the people that truly captured my heart.
Сначала меня покорила красота пейзажа, но больше всего мое сердце покорила теплота людей.
When I first read the book, I was taken with the author's unique perspective on life.
Когда я впервые прочитал эту книгу, меня поразил уникальный взгляд автора на жизнь.
Departure of an airplane; the act of becoming airborne.
The nervous passenger was relieved that we had such a wonderfully smooth takeoff.
The plane took off over an hour late. The passengers had to buckle their seatbelts during takeoff.
Imitation; a parody.
Vaughn Meader used to do a wonderful takeoff on President Kennedy's speech.
that takes care of that
Informal way to say, "That concludes our business."
Неформальный способ сказать: «На этом мы завершаем наши дела».
I paid my ex-wife the last alimony check and that takes care of that!
Я заплатил своей бывшей жене последний чек по алиментам, и этого достаточно!
I just tightened the screws on the chair. That takes care of that!
Я просто затянул винты на стуле. Проблема решена!
I booked the flights and the hotel. That takes care of that for our vacation!
Я забронировал билеты и отель. Это решает все вопросы нашего отпуска!
time out
take time out
Time during which a game, a lecture, a discussion or other activity is stopped for a while for some extra questions or informal discussion, or some other reason.
He took a time out from studying to go to a movie.
The player called time out so he could tie his shoe.
"Time out!" - The students said, "Could you explain that again?"