Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом some. Страница десять

Словосочетания со словом some. Страница десять

put someone on
To play a joke on someone by saying or doing things that are only pretense; kid.
When the voice on the phone told Mrs. Jones she had won a $10,000 prize, she thought someone was putting her on.
Don’t worry. I wouldn’t expect you do all that work by yourself. I’m just putting you on.
Jack can’t be serious about what he said. He must be putting us on.
rate with someone
To be esteemed highly by another.
The professor really rates with both the graduate students and the undergraduates.
rip off
stick it to somebody
(Stress on "off") Steal.
The hippies ripped off the grocery store.
The car dealership certainly ripped me off when I bought this car. It has caused me trouble constantly.
Be careful in doing business with that salesperson. He’ll stick it to you at the first opportunity.
sail through something
If you sail through something, for example a test or an exam, you succeed in doing it without difficulty.
Если Вы плывете через что-либо, экзамен или тест, например, то Вы преуспеваете в этом без труда.
The English test was no problem for Tom. He sailed through it!
У Тома не было никаких проблем с тестом по английскому. Он сдал его без труда!
sell down the river
sell someone down the river
To give harmful information about someone or something to one's enemies; betray.
Дать информацию, которая может причинить ущерб, чьему-либо врагу; предавать.
The traitor sold his country down the river to the enemy army.
The criminal told the hiding place of his companions and sold them down the river.
The traitor sold his country down the river to the enemy army.
Предатель выдал секреты своей страны вражеской армии.
The company sold us down the river, lying to us about how well they were doing and then cutting the jobs when it suited them.
Компания нас предала, обманывая нас о своем состоянии и сокращая рабочие места, когда им вздумается.
sell short
sell somebody short
sell something short
To think (a person or thing) less good or valuable than is true; underestimate.
Думать о ком-либо или о чем-либо хуже чем оно есть на самом деле; недооценивать.
Don't sell the team short; the players are better than you think.
Some teachers sold John short.
Take care that you don’t sell his suggestion short, it could save the firm a lot of money.
Позаботься о том, чтобы его предложение было оценено по достоинству. Оно могло бы сэкономить фирме немало денег.
Just because he doesn’t have much money is no reason to sell him short.
Если он не очень богат, то это еще не причина его недооценивать.
smooth somebody's ruffled feathers
Tom took the criticism badly, but James managed to smooth his ruffled feathers.
Том плохо воспринял критику, но Джеймсу удалось его утихомирить.
somebody up there loves me
somebody up there hates me
An expression intimating that an unseen power in heaven, such as God, has been favorable or unfavorable to the one making the exclamation.
Look at all the money I won! I say somebody up there sure loves me!
Look at all the money I've lost! I say somebody up there sure hates me!