Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом some. Страница двенадцать

Словосочетания со словом some. Страница двенадцать

throw oneself at someone's head
fling oneself at someone's head
To try hard and openly to make a person love you.
She threw herself at his head, but he was interested in another girl.
throw someone a bone
Льстить, говорить что-то приятное, чтобы собеседник чувствовал себя лучше.
The old man can't help very much but Bill throws him a bone now and then to keep him happy.
От старика уже мало помощи, но Билл хвалит его иногда, что бы тот не расстраивался.
throw something in one's face
throw something in one's teeth
To blame a person for (something wrong); not allow someone to forget (a mistake or failure). Often used with back.
Bob came home late for dinner last week, and his mother keeps throwing it back in his face.
I made a mistake in the ball game and the boys keep throwing it back in my teeth.
to love someone to bits
Быть очень влюбленным; любить каждую частичку своего (своей) избранника (избранницы).
You are my muse, I love you to bits.
Ты – моя муза, я люблю каждую частичку тебя.
turn a blind eye
turn a blind eye to something
To pretend not to see; not pay attention.
Намеренно что-то игнорировать, демонстративно не обращать внимания; не замечать кого-либо или что-либо.
The corrupt police chief turned a blind eye to the open gambling in the town.
Bob turned a blind eye to the "No Fishing" sign.
She knows that her husband cheats on her, but prefers to turn a blind eye to it.
Она знает, что муж ей неверен, но предпочитает закрывать на это глаза.
Adam preferred to turn a blind eye to the "No Fishing" sign.
Адам предпочитал не замечать знак "Рыбачить Нельзя".
turn one's head
turn somebody's head
To make you lose your good judgment.
Вскружить кому-либо голову.
The first pretty girl he saw turned his head.
Winning the class election turned his head.
Success has never turned her head - she's still the same simple responded girl she always was.
Успех никогда не мог вскружить ей голову - она всё такая же простая и отзывчивая девушка, какой всегда была.
turn something to one's advantage
Обратить что-либо в свою (или чью-либо еще) пользу; использовать в своих интересах.
Mark turned his influence to his advantage and achieved considerable wealth.
Марк обратил свое влияние в свою пользу и добился существенного богатства.
whitewash something
To explain a major, national scandal in soothing official terms so as to assure the public that things are under control and there is no need to panic.
Many people in the United States believe that President Kennedy's assassination was whitewashed by the Warren Commission.