Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом part. Страница пять

Фразеологизмы со словом part. Страница пять

take part
take part in
to be in on
To have a part or share; join; to be involved in, to participate in.
Jim saw the new boy watching the game and asked him to take part.
The Swiss did not take part in the two World Wars.
Martin was sick and could not take part in the meeting yesterday.
I didn't want to be in on their argument, so I remained silent.
tell apart
tell from
To see the difference between; know each of.
The teacher could not tell the twins apart.
The two brothers look so much alike that few people can tell them apart.
Most new cars are very similar in appearance. It’s almost impossible to tell one from another.
throw a party
To hold a party; have a party.
Устроить вечеринку.
The club is throwing a party in the high school gym Saturday night.
The Seniors threw a masquerade party on Halloween.
They are going to throw a party next week.
Они собираются устроить вечеринку на следующей неделе.
worlds apart
Completely different; in total disagreement.
Совершенно другой; полностью несогласный.
Jack and Al never agree on anything; they are worlds apart in their thinking.
As regards our political opinions, we're worlds apart.
В вопросе политических взглядов мы совершенно разные.