Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом part. Страница три

Фразеологизмы со словом part. Страница три

life of the party
life and soul of the party
A person who makes things enjoyable or interesting for a group of people.
Человек, который делает что-то интересным для группы людей; душа компании.
Bill is the life of the party at school. He is always making us laugh.
I'm so glad we invited Santa Clause. He was the life and soul of the party!
Я так рад, что мы пригласили Санту. Он был звездой вечеринки.
man of parts
A man who has several different skills, talents, or qualities.
The pianist is a man of parts. He wrote the piece he played, and he also plays the organ and paints well.
necktie party
A hanging by a mob; lynching.
Cattle thieves were stealing the rancher's cattle, but the cowboys caught them and had a necktie party.
on one's part
on the part of one
Of or by you; of someone's.
When Miss Brown said I was a good student, that was pure kindness on her part.
The other team blamed their defeat on unfairness on the part of the referee.
part and parcel
A necessary or important part; something necessary to a larger thing. Usually followed by of.
Freedom of speech is part and parcel of the liberty of a free man.
part company
To part with someone; leave each other; separate.
The boys parted company as they came from the park.
George parted company with the others at his front door.
To be different from someone in opinion or action; follow your own way; disagree; differ.
They parted company on where the new highway should be built.
The mayor parted company with the newspapers on raising taxes.
part of the furniture
In a job or position for so long that one is taken entirely for granted, like a part of the physical surroundings.
He has been working in the same office for so many years now that people consider him to be a part of the furniture.
part with
To separate from; leave.
He parted with us at the end of the trip.
To let go.
They were sorry to part with the old house.
He had to part with his secretary when she got married.