keel over
To turn upside down; tip over; overturn. Usually refers to a boat.
The strong wind made the sailboat keel over and the passengers fell into the water.
To fall over in a faint; taint.
It was so hot during the assembly program that two girls who were standing on the stage keeled over.
When the principal told the girl her father died, she keeled right over.
kick over the traces
jump the traces
To break the rules; behave badly.
When their teacher was absent and they had a substitute, the children kicked over the traces.
kick over
Of a motor: To begin to work.
He had not used his car for two months and when he tried to start it, the motor would not kick over.
To pay; contribute.
The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $5 a week.
To die.
Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over this morning.
knock over
To overturn; upset.
I accidentally knocked over the Chinese lamp that fell on size floor and broke.
lay over
To put off until later; delay; postpone.
We voted to lay the question over to our next meeting for decision.
To arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing the journey.
We had to lay over in St. Louis for two hours waiting for a plane to Seattle.
A stopover, usually at an airport or in a hotel due to interrupted air travel.
There were several layovers at O'Hare last month due to bad weather.
look like death warmed over
Выглядеть очень больным.
Tim was very pale and looked like death warmed over, so I couldn’t help asking him what the matter was.
Тим был очень бледным, выглядел больным, так что я не мог удержаться от вопроса, что с ним случилось.
look over
go over
check over
To look at and try to learn something about; look at every part or piece of or at every one of; examine; inspect; study.
I looked hurriedly over the apples in the basket and took one that looked good.
Mrs. Jones spent the evening looking over the month's bills and writing checks.
When a new boy comes to school, the others usually look him over rather carefully.
We looked over several kinds of new cars before deciding.
I want to look my homework over again before I give it to the teacher.
The politician went over his speech before the important presentation.
You should never sign any legal paper without checking it over first.