Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом over. Страница шесть

Словосочетания со словом over. Страница шесть

hang over
To be going to happen to; threaten.
Great trouble hangs over the little town because its only factory has closed down.
To remain to be finished or settled.
The committee took up the business that hung over from its last meeting.
A bad feeling of nausea and/or headache the day after one has had too much to drink.
Boy, did I have a hangover after that party yesterday!
haul over the coals
rake over the coals
To criticize sharply; rebuke; scold.
The sergeant raked the soldier over the coals for being late for roll call.
have it over
have it all over
To be better than; be superior to.
Anne has it all over Jane in looks and charm.
A professional golfer usually has it all over an amateur.
A jeep has it over a regular car on rough mountain trails.
have one over the eight
To be tipsy a little.
Быть слегка пьяным.
Don't listen to him. You can see he's had one over eight!
Не слушай его! Ты же видишь что он навеселе!
She's had one over the eight and needs to go home.
Она немного перебрала, и ей нужно домой.
have the whip over
hold the whip over
To control; dominate.
Eugene has always held the whip over his younger brothers and sisters.
head over heels in love with
Быть очень сильно влюбленным в кого-то, быть по уши влюбленным.
My friend is head over heels in love with someone in his company.
Мой друг по уши влюбился в кого-то из его компании.
She is head over heels in love with her new boyfrend.
Она по уши влюблена в своего нового парня.
My friend is head over heels in love with the girl in his company.
Мой друг влюбился по уши в девушку из его компании.
head over heels
heels over head
In a somersault; upside down; head first.
Вверх тормашками, кувырком...
It was so dark Bob fell head over heels into a big hole in the ground.
In great confusion or disorder; hastily.
В большой спешке, торопливо.
The children all tried to come in the door at once, head over heels.
He was head over heels in debt.
She was head over heels in love.
She is head over heels in love with her new boyfrend.
Она по уши влюблена в своего нового парня.
My friend is head over heels in love with the girl in his company.
Мой друг влюбился по уши в девушку из его компании.
Completely; deeply.
Очень сильно, глубоко.
John is head over heels in love with Mary