Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом high. Страница три

Словосочетания со словом high. Страница три

high place
A position of responsibility, honor, and power.
Jones had reached a high place in the government at Washington.
high seas
The open ocean, not the waters near the coast.
It was a big powerful liner built to sail on the high seas.
The ships of every country have the right to sail on the high seas.
high season
on season
The time of year when the largest number of passengers are travelling; the time when airfare costs more.
We had to pay $100 more for our tickets because it was the high season.
high sign
give the high sign
A silent signal of recognition, greeting, or warning; an open or secret signal between two persons. Used with get or give.
The Joneses saw us across the hotel dining room and gave us the high sign.
John could see that Grace wanted to tell him something, but he got her attention and frowned. She got the high sign and waited until the teacher had moved on before speaking.
high time
(stress on time) Dire, necessary, and sufficient circumstances prompting action.
It is high time we sold the old house; it will fall apart within a year.
Feeling more important or superior to someone else; too proud of yourself.
John wasn't invited to the party, because he acted too high-and-mighty.
Mary become high-and-mighty when she won the prize, and Joan would not go around with her any more.
Of the best quality; very good; superior. Avoided by many careful speakers.
When Mr. Brown got a raise in pay, Mrs. Brown started to look for a high-class apartment.
Mrs. Smith always gets her clothing at high-class shops.
Mr. Jones always gets his office workers from Burns Agency because they have high-class help.
Depending on force rather than right; bossy; dictatorial.
With high-handed daring, John helped himself to the best food on the table.
Mr. Smith was a high-handed tyrant in his office.