high and low
The police were searching for the criminal high and low, but they couldn't find him.
high as a kite
As excited and happy as one can possibly be.
When Eric won the lottery he was high as a kite.
Intoxicated or under the influence of some drug.
Jeff has been drinking again and he is high as a kite.
high camp
Kitsch, or pretentious material in bad taste that is still liked by higher class audiences.
"The Potsdam Quartet" is a play full of high camp.
An exaggerated movie or theater scene that loses believability.
Scarecrow and Mrs. King and Sledge Hammer are so full of high camp that no sensible people watch them anymore.
high fashion
high style
The new style in women's dress set each season by designers in Paris or other fashion centers and accepted by fashionable women.
The high styles designed in Paris are often quickly copied by makers of cheap clothing.
high five
Жест, когда один человек хлопает своей ладонью по ладони другого человека.
Give me high five!
Дай пять!
high gear
Top speed; full activity.
Production got into high gear after the vacation.
An advertising campaign for the new toothpaste promptly moved into high gear.
high jinks
Noisy or rough gaiety; wild play; tricks.
The sailors were on shore leave, and high jinks were to be expected.
The high school seniors engaged in high jinks after commencement.
high on
Intoxicated on some drug or alcoholic drink.
Rob was severely scolded by the dean for always being high on marijuana.
Enthusiastic about something.
Jeff is high on Beethoven and Brahms.