Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом one. Страница девяносто шесть

Словосочетания со словом one. Страница девяносто шесть

seed money
A small grant or donation for others to be able to start a new venture.
All you need is some seed money and you can set up your own desk-top publishing firm.
sell down the river
sell someone down the river
To give harmful information about someone or something to one's enemies; betray.
Дать информацию, которая может причинить ущерб, чьему-либо врагу; предавать.
The traitor sold his country down the river to the enemy army.
The criminal told the hiding place of his companions and sold them down the river.
The traitor sold his country down the river to the enemy army.
Предатель выдал секреты своей страны вражеской армии.
The company sold us down the river, lying to us about how well they were doing and then cutting the jobs when it suited them.
Компания нас предала, обманывая нас о своем состоянии и сокращая рабочие места, когда им вздумается.
sell one a bill of goods
To persuade another to acquire something useless; defraud.
Убедить кого-нибудь купить что-то бесполезное; обманывать.
We were sure sold a bill of goods when Alfred persuaded us to buy his custom-built car for which replacement parts weren't available anywhere.
Don’t pay attention to what John says. He’s just trying to sell you a bill of goods.
Не обращай внимания на то, что говорит Джон. Он просто пытается тебя надуть.
sell one on
To persuade someone to do something.
We were able to sell our wealthy uncle on the idea of having a joint family vacation in Hawaii.
sell oneself
Подавать себя в наиболее выгодном свете.
If you want to succeed in the world of business you have to know how to sell yourself to the customers.
Если ты хочешь преуспеть в мире бизнеса, ты должен знать, как подать себя в выгодном свете перед клиентами.
send one about one's business
To dismiss someone summarily; tell one off.
When Mrs. Atwater discovered that her daughter's French tutor was an ordinary fortune hunter, she sent him about his business.
send one packing
To fire someone summarily.
Уволить, выгнать кого-либо без долгих церемоний.
When the boss caught Smith stealing from the cash register, he sent him packing.
When Amanda discovered that Jack had been unfaithful, she sent him packing.
Когда Аманда узнала, что Джек ей изменял, то выставила его за дверь.
serve one right
serve right
To be what (someone) really deserves as a punishment; be a fair exchange for what (someone) has done or said or failed to do or say.
He failed his exam; it served him right because he had not studied.
Bob said it served Sally right when she cut her finger; she had taken his knife without asking him.
It serves Jonathan right to be fired from his job.
It serves Terence right that none of his friends are willing to help him move to a new apartment.