Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом day. Страница пять

Словосочетания со словом day. Страница пять

girl Friday
A very dependable and helpful female office worker; especially a secretary.
Miss Johnson is the manager's girl Friday.
There was an advertisement in the newspaper for a girl Friday.
good day
Hello or goodbye. Used as a formal greeting or salute when you meet or leave someone during the day.
Miss Rogers said, "Good day!" when she met her friend on the street.
Mr. Lee said "Good day!" and left the office.
A day on which you get out of school or work in the afternoon.
The principal said that Tuesday would be a half-holiday.
happy as the day is long
Cheerful and happy.
Carl is happy as the day is long because school is over for the summer.
have a bad hair day
Неудачный день.
My computer's having a bad hair day.
У моего компьютера не самый удачный день сегодня.
have a field day
To enjoy great success or unlimited opportunity.
The visiting basketball team was so weak that our school had a field day scoring one point after another.
heavenly days!
Exclamation of amazement and disbelief with negative coloring.
Heavenly days! Look what happened! The dog did it again on the Persian carpet!
in days to come
weeks to come
years to come
In the future.
In the years to come I will be thinking of my father's advice about life.