Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом for. Страница двадцать восемь

Фразеологизмы со словом for. Страница двадцать восемь

take a turn for the better
To start improving; start to get better.
Aunt Hermione was very ill for a long time, but last week she suddenly took a turn for the better.
take for a ride
take someone for a ride
To take out in a car intending to murder.
The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride.
To play a trick on; fool. To cheat or swindle someone.
The girls told Linda that a movie star was visiting the school, but she did not believe them; she thought they were taking her for a ride.
Poor Joe Catwallender was taken for a ride.
To take unfair advantage of; fool for your own gain.
His girlfriend really took him for a ride before he stopped dating her.
To kill someone after kidnapping.
The criminals took the man for a ride.
take for granted
To suppose or understand to be true. To assume to be true without giving much thought; not to appreciate fully.
Mr. Harper took for granted that the invitation included his wife.
A teacher cannot take it for granted that students always do their homework.
He spoke English so well that I took it for granted he was an American.
He took for granted that I wasn't American because I spoke English so poorly!
John took his wife for granted until once when he was very sick and needed her constant attention for a week.
To accept or become used to (something) without noticing especially or saying anything.
George took for granted all that his parents did for him.
No girl likes to have her boyfriend take her for granted; instead, he should always try to make her like him better.
take for
To suppose to be; mistake for; to perceive or understand as.
This idiom is usually used when someone is mistakenly perceived. A noun or pronoun must separate the idiom.
Do you take me for a fool?
At first sight you would take him for a football player, not a poet.
Because of his strong, muscular body, I took him for a professional athlete. As it turns out, he doesn’t play any professional sports.
What do you take me for – a fool? I don’t believe what you’re saying at all.
take pity on
take pity upon
feel sorry for
To feel sympathy or pity and do something for.
Mary took pity on the orphan kittens.
The farmer took pity upon the campers, and let them stay in his barn during the rain.
Don't you feel sorry for someone who has to work the night shift?
I helped drive Pierre around when he broke his foot because I took pity on him.
take up the cudgels for
To come to the defense of; to support or fight for.
He was the first to take up the cudgels for his friend.
that's --- for you
That's the way (someone or something) is; (someone or something) is like that.
John tried hard, but he lost the game. That's life for you.
Mary changed her mind about going. That's a girl for you.
the lull before the storm
the calm before the storm
Кажущаяся спокойной, но напряженная ситуация, которая может разразиться энергичными событиями.
The sales start on January 1st. The quiet period before that is just the lull before the storm.
Распродажи начинаются первого января. Тихий период перед этим – это просто затишье перед бурей.
We are going to have much difficult work tomorrow. So now is the calm before the storm.
Завтра у нас много трудной работы.Так что сейчас — затишье перед бурей.