Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом red. Страница три

Фразеологизмы со словом red. Страница три

give credit to
Верить чему-либо.
I give credit to this company.
Я доверяю этой компании.
hired man
A man employed to do jobs every day about a house or farm.
The hired man was sick, and a lot of the daily chores were not done.
hot and bothered
Excited and worried, displeased, or puzzled. A hackneyed phrase.
Fritz got all hot and bothered when he failed in the test.
Leona was all hot and bothered when her escort was late in coming for her.
Jerry was hot and bothered about his invention when he couldn't get it to work.
It is a small matter; don't get so hot and bothered.
Ugly; unprepossessing.
Oddly enough, the father had less trouble in marrying off his ill-favored daughter than her prettier sister.
in the red
In an unprofitable way; so as to lose money.
From the fact that people who keep business records usually write in red ink how much money they lose and in black ink how much money they gain.
Быть убыточным, приносить дефицит, быть должником.
A large number of American radio stations operate in the red.
A rich man who has a farm or ranch often runs it in the red, but makes his money with his factory or business.
He has been in the red since 2010.
Он в убытке с 2010 года.
The company closed after running in the red for over a year.
Компания закрылась, так как больше года была "в минусе".
With ears that stick out like the handles of a jug.
Tommy was a redheaded, freckle-faced, jug-eared boy.
just what the doctor ordered
Exactly what is needed or wanted.
"Ah! Just what the doctor ordered!" exclaimed Joe when Mary brought him a cold soda.
know which side one's bread is buttered on
To know who can help you and try to please him; know what is for your own gain.
Знать кто может вам помочь и пытаться подружиться с ним. Знать что является вашей собственной целью.
Dick was always polite to the boss; he knew which side his bread was buttered on.
Jack never argues with his father-in-law. He knows which side his bread is buttered.
Джек никогда не спорит со своим тестем. Он знает, откуда ветер дует.