Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом eat. Страница восемнадцать

Словосочетания со словом eat. Страница восемнадцать

wait with bated breath
Ждать с нетерпением; ждать, затаив дыхание.
Jack waited with bated breath for the results of his medical tests.
Джек с нетерпением ждал результатов своих медицинских анализов.
waste one's breath
waste breath
To speak or to argue with no result; do nothing by talking.
Спорить или обсуждать безрезультатно; не добиться ничего с помощью разговора.
The teacher saw that she was wasting her breath; the children refused to believe her.
I know what I want. You're wasting your breath.
Don’t waste your breath.
Не трать слова попусту.
Don’t argue with Frank any longer. You are wasting your breath trying to get him to agree with you.
I have already decided what I’m going to do. You can’t change my mind, so don't waste your breath.
weather eye
keep one's weather eye open
Eyes that can tell what the weather will be.
Grandfather's weather eye always tells him when it will rain.
Eyes ready or quick to see; careful watch. Usually used in phrases like keep a weather eye on, open, or out for.
Mrs. Brown kept a weather eye on the children so they wouldn't hurt each other.
Keep a weather eye out for Uncle George at the store.
Keep a weather eye open for deer.
The police have a weather eye out for the robbers.
weather the storm
To survive some disaster.
Пережить (переждать) бедствие, катастрофу.
Given the current recession, the company is weathering the storm better than some others.
Принимая во внимание нынешний кризис, эта компания переносит его лучше остальных.
When Peter and Sue started their business they had very little money, but in a year they weathered the storm.
Когда Питер и Сью начинали заниматься своим бизнесом, у них было мало денег, но в течении года она пережили этот кризис.
white fury
white heat
Неистовство, бешенство, ярость.
She was in a white fury.
Она была в бешенстве.