Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом eat. Страница шестнадцать

Словосочетания со словом eat. Страница шестнадцать

sit down
take a seat
To sit on a seat or resting place.
After gym class Jim was tired and was glad to sit down and rest.
We sat down on the park bench and watched the children play.
There aren't any more chairs, but you can take a seat on the floor.
smooth somebody's ruffled feathers
Tom took the criticism badly, but James managed to smooth his ruffled feathers.
Том плохо воспринял критику, но Джеймсу удалось его утихомирить.
sweat blood
To be very much worried.
The engine of the airplane stopped, and the pilot sweated blood as he glided to a safe landing.
To work very hard.
Jim sweated blood to finish his composition on time.
sweat out
To wait anxiously; worry while waiting.
Karl was sweating out the results of the college exams.
The search plane signaled that help was on the way. The men in the lifeboat just had to sweat it out.
take a back seat
To accept a poorer or lower position; be second to something or someone else.
Занимать более слабую позицию; быть вторым.
During the war all manufacturing had to take a back seat to military needs.
She does not have to take a back seat to any singer alive.
He decided it was time to take a back seat and let someone younger run the club.
Он решил, что пришло время отойти от дел и позволить кому-то помоложе руководить клубом.
take one's breath away
To surprise greatly; impress very much; leave speechless with surprise or wonder or delight; astonish.
Устроить большой сюрприз; сильно удивить; поразить.
The sunset is so beautiful it takes our breath away.
His refusal was so unexpected it took my breath away.
You can take my breath away.
Ты можешь меня поразить.
take pains
take great pains
To do something very carefully and thoroughly.
Делать что-либо очень тщательно и старательно.
She had taken pains to see that her guests had everything that they could possibly want.
She always takes pains with her appearance.
I had taken great pains to make the evening perfect.
Я всячески старалась организовать вечеринку идеально.
She takes pains to do everything well; she’s our best employee.
He took great pains with his last assignment because he needed to get an excellent grade to pass the class.
tar and feather
To pour heated tar on and cover with feathers as a punishment.
In the Old West bad men were sometimes tarred and feathered and driven out of town.