Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом one. Страница сто двенадцать

Словосочетания со словом one. Страница сто двенадцать

tickle pink
thrill one to death
thrill one to pieces
To please very much; thrill; delight. Usually used in the passive participle.
Быть очень довольным или в восторге от кого-то или чего-то.
Nancy was tickled pink with her new dress.
My mother was tickled pink that you visited her when you were in town.
Моя мама была очень довольна тем, что ты зашел к ней в гости, когда был в городе.
Joan was thrilled to pieces to see Mary.
tie one's hands
tied one's hands
have one's hands tied
To make (a person) unable to do anything. Usually used in the passive.
Since Mary would not tell her mother what was bothering her, her mother's hands were tied.
Charles wanted to help John get elected president of the class, but his promise to another boy tied his hands.
Father hoped Jim would not quit school, but his hands were tied; Jim was old enough to quit if he wanted to.
tight money
The opposite of inflation, when money is hard to borrow from the banks.
The government decided that tight money is the way to bring down inflation.
tighten one's belt
tighten one's belt another notch
To live on less money than usual; use less food and other things.
Жить в ситуации, когда в распоряжении есть меньше денег (достатка) чем обычно; "затянуть пояс".
When father lost his job we had to tighten our belts.
Another bill? I'll have to tighten my belt this month!
Ещё один счёт? Мне придется затянуть пояс потуже в этом месяце!
I lost my job yesterday so now I need to tighten my belt.
Вчера я потерял работу, так что теперь придётся затянуть пояса.
Often used in the expression tighten one's belt another notch.
When the husband lost his job, the Smiths had to do without many things, but when their savings were all spent, they had to tighten their belts another notch.
time is money
Время - деньги
Time is money and I do not want to waste time talking to our supervisor because she always wants to argue with me.
Время – деньги и я не хочу тратить его, разговаривая с нашей начальницей потому, что она постоянно хочет со мной поспорить.
time is on one's side
Время на чьей-либо стороне.
I have never believed that time is neutral. Now time is on my side.
Я считал что время никогда не бывает нейтральным. Сейчас время на нашей стороне.
time of one's life
have time of one's life
A very happy or wonderful time.
Очень счастливое или удивительное время жизни.
John had the time of his life at the party.
I could see that she was having the time of her life.
The children were having the time of their lives.
Дети веселились на славу.
to a T
to a turn
done to a turn
fit to a T
Just right; to perfection; exactly.
The roast was done to a turn.
His nickname, Tiny, suited him to a T.