Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом money. Страница два

Словосочетания со словом money. Страница два

licence to print money
"Золотая жила"; официально разрешенная деятельность, которая дает людям возможность получать много денег, не прилагая должных усилий.
The contract to supply computers to schools was a licence to print money.
Контракт по снабжению школ компьютерами был золотой жилой.
made of money
Very rich; wealthy.
Mr. Jones buys his children everything they want. He must be made of money.
marry money
To marry a rich person.
Ellen married money when she became Hal's wife.
money is no object
The price of something is irrelevant.
Please show me your most beautiful mink coat; money is no object.
money to burn
have money to burn
Very much money, more than is needed.
Dick's uncle died and left him money to burn.
When Joe is twenty-one he will have money to burn.
Jean is looking for a husband with money to burn.
new money
People who have become rich recently.
Since Bobby's father invented a new computer component, Bobby and his family are new money.
not for all the coffee in Brazil
not for all the tea in China
not for anything in the world
not for love or money
not for love nor for money
not for the world
not for worlds
Not at any price; not for anything.
Ни за какие деньги, ни за что на свете, и т.д.
I wouldn't hurt his feelings for the world.
Not for worlds would he let his children go hungry.
No I won't do it - not for all the tea in China.
Нет, я не буду делать этого, – ни за какие коврижки.
I will not marry him not for love nor money.
Я не выйду за него ни за какие деньги.
old money
Families who have amassed great wealth over a very long time; individuals of such a family.
If you don't think that old money is controlling our elected officials, you need to get your head examined!
You can always tell which students in this university come from old money.
A great amount of inherited wealth that has been passed along a family line for many generations.
He hasn't had a job in years, relying instead on his family's old money.