Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом wing. Страница два

Фразеологизмы со словом wing. Страница два

Being or belonging to a political group which opposes any important change in the way the country is run.
Some countries with right-wing governments have dictators.
sprout wings
To enter the stage after a period of development when wings appear (said of larvae that turn into butterflies).
The dragonflies suddenly sprouted wings and are flying all about in the park.
To become good and virtuous (as if airborne).
Joe has helped many colleagues in need; he seems to have sprouted wings.
swing one's weight
To use your personal power to get something done
The President swings his weight to get laws passed.
Mr. Thomas swung his weight to get his son a job with the company.
there isn't enough room to swing a cat
О ситуации когда очень мало (недостаточно) места.
When I was a teenager I had a small room and too many stuffs. There wasn’t enough room to swing a cat but I tried so hard to orgnize it.
Когда я был подростком, у меня была маленькая комната,в которой была куча вещей. Там и кошку негде было повесить, но я старался содержать её в порядке.
try one's wings
To try out a recently acquired ability.
Marjorie just had her twelfth French lesson and wants to try her wings by speaking with our visitors from Paris.
under one's wing
take under one's wing
Under the care or protection of.
Helen took the new puppy under her wing.
The boys stopped teasing the new student when Bill took him under his wing.