Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом time. Страница четыре

Фразеологизмы со словом time. Страница четыре

have a time
To have trouble; have a hard time.
Poor Susan had a time trying to get the children to go to bed.
John had a time passing his math course.
To have a good time; to have fun. Used with a reflexive pronoun.
Bob had himself a time going to every night club in town.
Mary had herself a time dancing at the party.
high time
(stress on time) Dire, necessary, and sufficient circumstances prompting action.
It is high time we sold the old house; it will fall apart within a year.
hit the big time
Добиться славы, успеха.
He opened his own salon, hit the big time when he designed wedding dresses and clothing for rich.
Он открыл свой салон и имел большой успех, предлагая свадебные платья и одежду для богатых.
if I had a nickel for every time
О чем-то, что случается чаще чем хотелось бы и уже начинает надоедать.
If I had a nickel for every time someone used a clichéd opening in an essay, I’d be the richest woman in the world.
Если бы мне давали по 5 центов каждый раз, когда кто-нибудь начинает свое сочинение с клише, я была бы самой богатой женщиной в мире.
in good time
in good season
in due course
in due season
in due time
A little early; sooner than necessary.
The school bus arrived in good time.
The students finished their school work in good time.
We reached the station in good season to catch the 9:15 bus for New York.
In the usual amount of time; at the right time; in the end.
Spring and summer will arrive in due course.
Sally finished her spelling in due course.
in no time
in nothing flat
In a very little time; soon; very quickly; rapidly.
This idiom can be used with the idiom at all to add emphasis to the certainty of the statement.
When the entire class worked together they finished the project in no time.
The bus filled with students in nothing flat.
Mac said that he'd be ready to leave in no time.
We thought that the meeting would take two hours, but it was over in no time at all.
in the nick of time
Just at the right time; barely soon enough; almost too late.
The doctor arrived in the nick of time to save the child from choking to death.
Joe saw the other car in the nick of time.
in time
just in time
Soon enough; before the time necessary to do something.
We got to Washington in time for the cherry blossoms.
We got to the station just in time to catch the bus.
John liked to get to work in good time and talk to the man who worked on his machine before him.
We entered the theater just in time to see the beginning of the movie.
The truck was not able to stop in time to prevent an accident.
In the end; after a while; finally.
Fred and Jim did not like each other at first, but in time they became friends.
In the right rhythm; in step.
The marchers kept in time with the band.
Johnny didn't play his piano piece in time.