stick out like a sore thumb
To be conspicuous; be different from the rest.
When the foreign student was placed in an advanced English grammar class by mistake, it was no wonder that he stuck out like a sore thumb.
stick out
To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend.
The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree.
To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable.
Often used in the informal phrase stick out like a sore thumb.
Often used in the informal phrase stick out like a sore thumb.
My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks out and you can't miss it.
Mary plays basketball very well. The others on the team are good, but she really sticks out.
Brandon Styles is a tall, distinguished gentleman who sticks out in any crowd.
John is so shy and awkward that he sticks out like a sore thumb.
To keep on doing something until it is done no matter how long, hard, or unpleasant.
Often used in the phrase stick it out.
Often used in the phrase stick it out.
Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn't have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will stick out the race even if he finishes last.
Mathematics is hard, but if you stick it out you will understand it.
stick to one's guns
stand by one's guns
To hold to an aim or an opinion even though people try to stop you or say you are wrong.
People laughed at Columbus when he said the world was round. He stuck to his guns and proved he was right.
At first the boss would not give Jane the raise in pay she wanted, but she stood by her guns and he gave it to her.
stick to one's knitting
tend to one's knitting
To do your own job and not bother other people.
The trouble with Henry is that he is always telling other people what to do; he can't stick to his knitting.
stick to one's ribs
stick to the ribs
To keep you from getting hungry again too quickly.
Doctors say you should eat a good breakfast that sticks to your ribs.
Farmers eat food that sticks to the ribs.
stick to
stick to the point
To stay on course during a discussion; adhere to the topic; not talk about extraneous matters.
Stick to the point and stop telling us your life history!
He made a promise to his wife to quit smoking and drinking, and so far he has stuck to it.
All organizations expect their employees to stick to established work rules and procedures.
If you try hard to stick to your principles, then you’ll be able to live up to them.
stick together
To remain close together in a situation.
Stick together in the cave so that no one gets lost.
The gang stuck together after the game.
Bill and Bob stick together in a game or in a fight.
stick up
To rob with a gun.
When the messenger left the bank, a man jumped out of an alley and stuck him up.
A masked thief stuck up a grocery store in the neighborhood last night.
In the old West, outlaws sometimes stuck up the stagecoaches.
To point or place upwards.
You should put some water on your hair. It’s sticking up in the back.