Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом throw. Страница пять

Словосочетания со словом throw. Страница пять

throw someone a bone
Льстить, говорить что-то приятное, чтобы собеседник чувствовал себя лучше.
The old man can't help very much but Bill throws him a bone now and then to keep him happy.
От старика уже мало помощи, но Билл хвалит его иногда, что бы тот не расстраивался.
throw something in one's face
throw something in one's teeth
To blame a person for (something wrong); not allow someone to forget (a mistake or failure). Often used with back.
Bob came home late for dinner last week, and his mother keeps throwing it back in his face.
I made a mistake in the ball game and the boys keep throwing it back in my teeth.
throw the baby out with the bath
throw the baby out with the bathwater
To reject all of something because part is faulty.
Отвергать что-либо целиком из-за того, что часть его неисправна. "Выплеснуть вместе с водой ребёнка".
God knows that there are weaknesses in the program, but if they act too hastily they may cause the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.
Бог знает, что в программе есть слабые места, но если они будут действовать слишком поспешно, то могут выплеснуть вместе с водой и ребенка.
When the company decided to cut costs, they eliminated the entire marketing team. They really threw the baby out with the bathwater, as the marketing team was responsible for many successful campaigns.
Когда компания решила сократить расходы, они уволили всю маркетинговую команду. Они действительно выплеснули ребенка вместе с водой, поскольку маркетинговая команда отвечала за многие успешные кампании.
As we update the software, let’s be mindful not to throw the baby out with the bath by removing features that our users find valuable, even if they’re not widely used.
При обновлении программного обеспечения давайте будем осторожны, чтобы не выплеснуть вместе с водой и ребенка, удалив функции, которые наши пользователи считают ценными, даже если они не используются широко.
I know you’re frustrated with your fitness routine, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath by giving up on exercise completely. Maybe just try a different approach or class.
Я знаю, что вы разочарованы своей фитнес-программой, но не выплескивайте ребенка вместе с водой, полностью отказываясь от упражнений. Может быть, просто попробуйте другой подход или занятия.
throw the book at
To give the most severe penalty to (someone) for breaking the law or rules.
Присудить или дать максимально возможное наказание за нарушение закона или правил.
Because it was the third time he had been caught speeding that month, the judge threw the book at him.
The court has thrown the book at him.
Суд присудил ему максимально возможное наказание.
Because the criminal was a repeat offender, the judge threw the book at him with heavy fines and a long prison term.
My boss threw the book at me when he discovered that I had been using company time for personal business. I was severely reprimanded and forced to make up the lost time.
throw up one's hands in horror
To be horrified; feel alarmed; give up hope of straightening things out; be shocked by something terrible.
When Mrs. Brown saw the mess the children were making in her living room, she threw up her hands in horror.
Everybody threw up their hands in horror at the destruction caused by the hurricane.
throw up one's hands
To give up trying; admit that you cannot succeed.
Mrs. Jones threw up her hands when the children messed up the living room for the third time.
When Mary saw the number of dishes to be washed, she threw up her hands in dismay.
throw up
heave up
To vomit.
The heat made him feel sick and he thought he would throw up.
He took the medicine but threw it up a minute later.
The ill patient is unable to digest her food properly, so she is throwing all of it up.
To quit; leave; let go; give up.
When she broke their engagement he threw up his job and left town.
To build in a hurry.
The contractor threw up some temporary sheds to hold the new equipment.
The Red Cross threw up temporary shelters for the homeless victims of the earthquake.
To mention often as an insult.
His father threw up John's wastefulness to him.
wet blanket
throw a wet blanket
A person or thing that keeps others from enjoying life.
Зануда, нытик, человек, который всегда пытается испортить другим веселье.
The teenagers don't invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket.
The weatherman throws a wet blanket on picnic plans when he forecasts rain.
Jack's fun at parties, but his brother's a wet blanket.
Джек - душа вечеринок, но его братец настоящий зануда.