Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом step. Страница три

Словосочетания со словом step. Страница три

step out on
To be unfaithful to one's marriage partner or steady lover.
It is rumored that he has been stepping out on his wife. That's why she's so upset.
step out
To go out, particularly socially, as on a date.
Paul said to Sylvia, "You look so dressed up tonight - you must be stepping out, eh?"
To leave for a short period during the work day to go to the lavatory or to get a cup of coffee. (Frequently said by secretaries over the phone.)
"May I speak to Mr. Kotz?" Roy asked. "I'm sorry, sir. He just stepped out for a minute," the secretary answered.
I have to step out of the office briefly to pick up a newspaper.
step up
To go from a lower to a higher place.
John stepped up onto the platform and began to speak.
To come towards or near; approach.
The sergeant called for volunteers and Private Jones stepped up to volunteer.
John waited until the teacher had finished speaking to Mary, and then he stepped up.
To go or to make (something) go faster or more actively.
When John found he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.
After we had reached the outskirts of town, we stepped up the engine.
The enemy was near, and the army stepped up its patrols to find them before they got too close.
To rise to a higher or more important position; be promoted.
This year Mary is secretary of the club, but I am sure she will step up to president next year.
stepped up
Carried on at a faster or more active rate; increased.
To fill the increase in orders, the factory had to operate at a stepped-up rate.
take steps
take steps to
To begin to make plans or arrangements; make preparations; give orders. Usually used with to and an infinitive.
Начинать строить планы или договоренности; делать приготовления; отдавать приказы. Обычно используется с to и инфинитивом.
The city is taking steps to replace its streetcars with busses.
Город принимает меры по замене трамваев автобусами.
We're currently taking steps to secure funding for the project before we announce it to the public.
В настоящее время мы принимаем меры по обеспечению финансирования проекта, прежде чем объявить о нем общественности.
I have to keep John from knowing what I've been doing. I can prevent it if I take steps.
Я должен скрыть от Джона то, что я делал. Я могу предотвратить это, если приму меры.
walk over
walk all over
step all over
To make (someone) do whatever you wish; make selfish use of; treat like a slave; impose upon.
Jill is so friendly and helpful that people walk all over her.
We wanted the man's business, so we let him step all over us.
watch one's step
To mend one's ways; exercise prudence, tact, and care.
Улучшать чье-либо поведение, образ действий; действовать осторожно, тактично.
I have to watch my step with the new boss as he is a very proud and sensitive individual.
There is zero tolerance in this school for bad behavior so watch your step!
Эта школа совершенно нетерпима к шалостям, поэтому будь острожен!