Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом round. Страница девять

Словосочетания со словом round. Страница девять

round off
To make round or curved.
John decided to round off the corners of the table he was making so that no one would be hurt by bumping them.
To change to the nearest whole number.
The teacher said to round off the averages.
To end in a satisfactory way; put a finishing touch on; finish nicely.
We rounded off the dinner with mixed nuts.
A boat ride in the moonlight rounded off the day at the lake.
round out
To complete; make whole.
He needs only one or two more rare compact discs to round out his collection of Vivaldi.
round robin
Something written, especially a request or protest that is signed by a group of people. Often used like an adjective.
The people in our neighborhood are sending a round robin to the Air Force to protest the noise the jet planes make flying over our houses.
A letter written by a group of people each writing one or two paragraphs and then sending the letter to another person, who adds a paragraph, and so on.
The class sent a round-robin letter to Bill in the hospital.
A meeting in which each one in a group of people takes part; a talk between various members of a group. Often used like an adjective.
There is a round-robin meeting of expert fishermen on the radio, giving advice on how to catch fish.
A contest or games in which each player or team plays every other player or team in turn. Often used like an adjective.
The tournament will be a round robin for all the high school teams in the city.
round trip
A return trip; passage to a place and back.
The ticket agent explained that a ticket for a round trip to Hawaii at certain times of the year may cost less than a one-way ticket during the high season.
round up
To bring together (cattle or horses).
Cowboys round up their cattle in the springtime to brand the new calves.
To collect; gather.
Dave rounded up many names for his petition.
Very much surprised; astonished; awed.
The people were round-eyed when they learned what the computer could do.
The children were wide-eyed at the sight of the Christmas tree and didn't make a sound.
A muster; an inspection; a gathering together.
The farmer and his son decided to hold a major roundup of all their cattle to see that none had been stolen by the bandits.
The police roundup of all suspected drug dealers took place early in the morning.
run around in circles
run around like a chicken with its head cut off
To waste time in repetitious movements; be confused.
Бегать кругами; приходить в замешательство.
There was such a crowd in the lobby that I ran around in circles trying to find my group.
В вестибюле собралась такая толпа, что мне пришлось бегать кругами, пытаясь найти свою группу.
The team spent hours running around in circles during the meeting, unable to agree on a single strategy.
Во время встречи члены команды часами ходили по кругу, не в силах прийти к единой стратегии.
When the deadline was approaching, Sarah was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to finish all her reports and organize the team meeting.
Когда приближался крайний срок, Сара бегала, как курица с отрубленной головой, пытаясь закончить все свои отчеты и организовать совещание команды.
On the day of the wedding, the bride was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, making sure every detail was perfect before the ceremony started.
В день свадьбы невеста бегала, как курица с отрубленной головой, следя за тем, чтобы каждая деталь была идеальной, прежде чем начнется церемония.