Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом rough. Страница восемь

Фразеологизмы со словом rough. Страница восемь

wade through
To read through something long and laborious.
It took John six months to wade through Tolstoy's War and Peace in the original Russian.
wear down
wear off
wear away
wear through
To remove or disappear little by little through use, time, or the action of weather.
Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone.
The eraser has worn off my pencil.
The grass has worn away from the path near the house.
If you drag your feet while you walk, you’ll wear down your shoes quickly.
The pounding of ocean waves against the coast gradually wears it away.
Johnny has worn through the seat of his pants.
To lessen; become less little by little.
The people went home as the excitement of the fire wore off.
John could feel the pain again as the dentist's medicine wore away.
My headache isn’t serious. It will wear off after an hour or so.
The effect of the painkilling drug didn’t wear off for several hours.
To exhaust; tire out, win over or persuade by making tired.
Mary wore her mother down by begging so that she let Mary go to the movies.
worked up
wrought up
Feeling strongly; excited; angry; worried.
Mary was all worked up about the exam.
John got worked up when they blamed him for losing the game.