Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом mouth. Страница два

Фразеологизмы со словом mouth. Страница два

keep one's mouth shut
To be or stay silent. - A rude expression when used as a command.
Быть молчаливым; хранить молчание. Если используется как команда, то звучит грубостью.
When the crooks were captured by the police, their leader warned them to keep their mouths shut.
Charles began to tell Barry how to kick the ball, and Barry said angrily, "Keep your mouth shut!"
I tried hard to keep my mouth shut during the boring speech.
Мне с трудом удавалось молчать во время скучной лекции.
laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth
laugh on the other side of one's mouth
laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
To be made sorry; to feel annoyance or disappointment; cry.
Paul boasted that he was a good skater, but after he fell, he laughed out of the other side of his mouth.
leave a bad taste in one's mouth
To feel a bad impression; make you feel disgusted.
Производить плохое впечатление, оставлять плохую память о себе.
Seeing a man beat his horse leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
His rudeness to the teacher left a bad taste in my mouth.
The way that the company treated us left a bad taste in our mouth.
Своим отношением эта компания произвела плохое впечатление на нас.
live from hand to mouth
To live on little money and spend it as fast as it comes in; live without saving for the future; have just enough.
Жить в плохих условиях, впроголодь; иметь мало денег - еле сводить концы с концами.
Mr. Johnson got very little pay, and the family lived from hand to mouth when he had no job.
These Indians live from hand to mouth on berries, nuts, and roots.
The man has been living from hand to mouth for many years.
Мужчина еле сводил концы с концами на протяжении многих лет.
The family was very poor and had to live from hand to mouth.
Семья была бедной, и им приходилось жить впроголодь.
look a gift horse in the mouth
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
To complain if a gift is not perfect. A proverb. Usually used with a negative.
John gave Joe a baseball but Joe complained that the ball was old. His father told him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
loud mouth
big mouth
A noisy, boastful or foolish talker.
Шумный, хваствливый или глупый собеседник.
Fritz is a loud mouth who cannot be trusted with secrets.
When he has had a few drinks, Joe will make empty boasts like any other big mouth.
The man is a big mouth. He is always talking about his big plans.
Этот мужчина – трепло. Он всегда рассказывает о своих больших планах.
Talking noisily, boastfully, or foolishly.
Fred was a loud-mouthed fellow, whose talk no one listened to.
If I were you, I would not listen to that loud-mouthed boy.
make one's mouth water
To look or smell very good; make you want very much to eat or drink something you see or smell.
The pies in the store window made Dan's mouth water.
The picture of the ice cream soda made his mouth water.
To be attractive; make you want to have something very much.
Judy collects folk song records, and the records in the store window made her mouth water.