Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом mouth

Фразеологизмы со словом mouth

bad mouth (someone)
To say uncomplimentary or libelous things about someone; deliberately to damage another's reputation.
Говорить нелестные вещи о ком-нибудь; преднамеренно портить чью-либо репутацию; "поливать грязью".
It's not nice to bad mouth people.
The football player began to bad-mouth his coach.
Футболист начал чернить своего тренера.
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
Born to wealth and comfort; provided from birth with everything wanted; born rich.
Родиться в богатой и знатной семье.
The stranger's conduct was that of a man who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Princes Harry and William Windsor were born with silver spoons in their mouths.
Принцы Гарри и Вильям Виндзор родились с серебряными ложками во рту.
The boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he has never worked in his life.
Мальчик был рожден в достатке и никогда в жизни не работал.
butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
You act very polite and friendly but do not really care, you are very nice to people but are not sincere.
Волк в овечьей шкуре.
The new secretary was rude to the other workers, but when she talked to the boss, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
She looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but she has broken so many hearts.
Она выглядит такой невинной, но разбила так много сердец.
by word of mouth
from mouth to mouth
From person to person by the spoken word; orally.
Из уст в уста; устно от человека к человеку.
The news got around by word of mouth.
The message reached him quietly by word of mouth.
I learned about the holiday from work by word of mouth.
Я узнал о выходном от работы со слов другого человека.
The merchant told us that the best customers he had were recommended to him by word of mouth.
down in the dumps
down in the mouth
Sad or discouraged; gloomy; dejected.
Печальный, расстроенный; мрачный; удрученный - как в воду опущенный.
The boys were certainly down in the dumps when they heard that their team had lost.
You look a bit down in the mouth. What's the matter?
Ты какой-то пасмурный. В чем дело?
Alex has been down in the dumps since he failed his exam.
Алекс мрачнее тучи с тех пор как завалили экзамен.
My friend looked down in the mouth after he finished work today.
Мой друг выглядел уныло после того, как закончил работу сегодня.
Not so long ago I was down in the dumps. I lost my job.
Не так давно я был очень подавлен. Я потерял работу.
Sue looks down in the mouth. What's the matter with her?
Сью как в воду опушенная. Что с ней случилось?
foam at the mouth
To be very angry, like a mad dog.
С пеной у рта; быть в ярости, словно бешенная собака.
By the time Uncle Henry had the third flat tire he was really foaming at the mouth.
The girl's father was so angry that he was almost foaming at the mouth.
Отец девочки был так рассержен, что он был почти в бешенстве.
Not providing for the future; living from day to day; not saving for later.
Many native tribes lead a hand-to-mouth existence, content to have food for one day at a time.
John is not a saving boy; he spends his money without thought for the future, and lives a hand-to-mouth life.
heart in one's mouth
heart in one's boots
A feeling of great fear or nervousness. Often considered trite.
Charles got up to make his first speech with his heart in his mouth.
My heart was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house.
When the bear came out of the woods towards us, our hearts were in our mouths.