get a load off one's mind
От сердца отлегло; гора с плеч; словно камень с души свалился.
You’re not going to like what I’m going to say but I have to get a load off my mind.
Тебе не понравится, что я сейчас скажу, но мне нужно облегчить душу.
give one a piece of one's mind
To scold angrily; say what you really think to (someone).
Mr. Allen gave the other driver a piece of his mind.
The sergeant gave the soldier a piece of his mind for not cleaning his boots.
half a mind
half a notion
A wish or plan that you have not yet decided to act on; a thought of possibly doing something. Used after have or with and before to and an infinitive.
I have half a mind to stop studying and walk over to the brook.
Jerry went home with half a mind to telephone Betty.
have a mind of one's own
To be independent in one's thinking and judgment.
Tow has always had a mind of his own so there is no use trying to convince him how to vote.
have a mind to
have a good mind to
To consider doing; intend to with a high degree of probability.
I have a good mind to tell my boss that he doesn't know how to run our enterprise.
have in mind
To plan; intend; select; to be considering, to be thinking.
We don't know whom our boss has in mind for the new position.
I don’t want to see a movie now. I have in mind going to the park.
It’s up to you what we eat tonight. Do you have anything in mind?
in a bad frame of mind
In an unhappy mood.
Make sure the boss is not in a bad frame of mind when you ask him for a raise.
in a good frame of mind
In a happy mood.
After a relaxing holiday in the Bahamas, the boss was in a very good frame of mind.