Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом look

Фразеологизмы со словом look

be looking up
things are looking up
Informal way to say that conditions are improving.
Things are looking up at our university as the governor promised a 5% salary raise.
The board chairman is glad to report that things are looking up for the company after several years of declining sales.
Prospects for building that new library in the downtown area are looking up.
butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
You act very polite and friendly but do not really care, you are very nice to people but are not sincere.
Волк в овечьей шкуре.
The new secretary was rude to the other workers, but when she talked to the boss, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
She looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but she has broken so many hearts.
Она выглядит такой невинной, но разбила так много сердец.
dirty look
A look that shows dislike.
Miss Parker sent Joe to the principal's office for giving her a dirty look.
feel small
look small
To have the impression that one is insignificant, foolish, or humiliated.
"I feel small next to Hemingway," the young student of creative writing said.
if looks could kill
Если бы взгляды могли убивать; убийственно злобный взгляд; если бы взглядом можно было убить.
If looks could kill, then the look he gave me would have killed me at once.
Если бы взглядом можно было убить, то взгляд, которым он на меня посмотрел, убил бы меня тотчас же.
like looking for a needle in a haystack
look for a needle in a haystack
Something that will be very hard to find.
"I lost my class ring somewhere in the front yard," said June.
Jim answered, "Too bad. That will be like finding a needle in a haystack."
look a gift horse in the mouth
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
To complain if a gift is not perfect. A proverb. Usually used with a negative.
John gave Joe a baseball but Joe complained that the ball was old. His father told him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
look after
see after
To watch over; attend to.
John's mother told him to look after his younger brother.
When he went to Europe, Mr. Jenkins left his son to see after the business.
Grandma will look after the baby while we go to the lecture.