Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом long. Страница пять

Словосочетания со словом long. Страница пять

prolong the agony
Продлить агонию; сделать так, что неприятная или напряженная ситуация длится дольше, чем это необходимо.
Please don't prolong the agony. Just tell me whether I've been accepted or not.
Пожалуйста, не мучай меня. Просто скажи, приняли меня или нет.
right along
On your way satisfactorily or without trouble.
They fixed the engine and the train ran right along.
On your way without delay.
Don't wait for me. Go right along.
All the time; during the whole time.
I knew right along that Jane would come.
run along
To go away; leave.
Joan said she had errands to do and must run along.
shoot ahead of
shoot past
shoot through
shoot alongside of
To move or drive ahead rapidly.
As we had to slow down before the tunnel, a red sports car shot ahead of us.
so long
Good-bye. Used when you are leaving someone or he is leaving you.
So long, I will be back tomorrow.
string along
string someone along
To deceive; fool; lead on dishonestly.
Обманывать, дурачить, вести себя нечестно.
Mary was stringing John along for years but she didn't mean to marry him.
George told the new boy that he must always call the teacher "Sir," but the new boy soon saw that George was stringing him along.
Susan had high hopes of marrying Charlie. When he ran off with another woman, she realized that he was just stringing her along.
Сюзан надеялась, что Чарли женится на ней. Когда он убежал с другой женщиной, она поняла, что он ее всего лишь водил за нос.
To follow someone's leadership; join his group.
Those of you who want to learn about wild flowers, string along with Jake.
the long and the short
the long and short
All that needs to be said; the basic fact; point.
The long and the short of the matter is that the man is no actor.
The money isn't there, and that's the long and short of it.