Идиомы и фразеологизмы английского со словом leave. Страница три

Фразеологизмы со словом leave. Страница три

leave out
To skip; omit.
The printer accidentally left out two paragraphs from Alan's novel.
leave the door open
Дословно: оставить дверь открытой. Быть готовым к дальнейшим переговорам, развитию событий.
Both parties left the door open for further negotiations.
Обе стороны сошлись на возможности дальнейших переговоров.
leave word with
To leave a message.
Hank left word with his secretary where he could be reached by phone while he was away from his office.
let alone
leave alone
Let alone : Even less; certainly not. Used after a negative clause.
I can't add two and two, let alone do fractions.
Jim can't drive a car, let alone a truck.
I’m too sick today to walk to the kitchen, let alone to go to the zoo with you.
He doesn’t even speak his own language well, let alone French.
To stay away from; keep hands off; avoid; not to disturb.
When Joel gets mad, just let him alone.
Little Patsy was warned to leave the birthday cake alone.
Leave the baby alone for a while and she may go to sleep.
After the cat had scratched Peter twice, he let it alone.
let well enough alone
leave well enough alone
To be satisfied with what is good enough; not try to improve something because often that might cause more trouble.
John wanted to make his kite go higher, but his father told him to let well enough alone because it was too windy.
Ed polished up his car until his friends warned him to leave well enough alone.
Ethel made a lot of changes in her test paper after she finished. She should have let well enough alone, because she made several new mistakes.
not a leg to stand on
leave without a leg to stand on
not have a leg to stand on
No good proof or excuse; no good evidence or defense to offer.
Не достаточные доказательства или оправдания; отсутствие хороших свидетельств или защиты.
The man with a gun and $300 in his pocket was accused of robbing an oil station. He did not have a leg to stand on.
Three people testified against him. He didn't have a leg to stand on.
Трое дали показания против него. Он не мог доказать свою правоту.
out in the cold
leave out in the cold
Alone; not included.
All the other children were chosen for parts in the play, but Johnny was left out in the cold.
Everybody made plans for Christmas Day and Mary found herself out in the cold.
shore leave
Permission given to a man in the Navy to leave his ship and go where he wants for a certain length of time.
Jim went to visit New York when he was given three days' shore leave.
The ship did not dock long enough for the sailors to get shore leave.