Something that helps to save your good reputation, popularity, or dignity when something has happened or may happen to hurt you.
The note was a face-saving idea.
Face-saving is not helped by too many invented excuses.
face to face
With your face looking toward the face of another person; each facing the other.
Direct, personal; directly, personally (written without hyphens).
Direct, personal; directly, personally (written without hyphens).
Turning a corner, he found himself face-to-face with a policeman.
The two teams for the spelling bee stood face-to-face on opposite sides of the classroom.
The church and the school stand face-to-face across the street.
The stepmother and her teenage son talked face to face about his troubles in school.
The British prime minister came to Washington for a face-to-face meeting with the President.
The workers’ representatives had a face-to-face meeting with management to resolve the salary issue.
In the presence of another or others.
She was thrilled to meet the President face-to-face.
I have heard about him, but I never met him face-to-face.
To the point where you must do something. Used with with.
The solution of the first problem brought him face-to-face with a second problem.
faced with
Confronted with.
Стакиваться с чем-либо.
We were all faced with the many wars that broke out in the wake of the collapse of communism.
Мы все столкнулись с многочисленными войнами, разразившимися после краха коммунизма.
Faced with a difficult decision, she took some time to weigh her options before choosing a career path.
Столкнувшись с необходимостью принятия трудного решения, она некоторое время взвешивала свои возможности, прежде чем выбрать карьерный путь.
The team was faced with a tight deadline, which pushed them to work extra hours to complete the project on time.
Перед командой стояли жесткие сроки, что вынуждало их работать сверхурочно, чтобы завершить проект в срок.
fall flat on one's face
Не достичь желаемого результата, не произвести желаемого впечатления, опозориться, ударить лицом в грязь.
Simon fell flat on his face when he tried to organize the meeting.
Саймон опозорился, когда попытался организовать встречу.
fly in the face of
fly in the teeth of
To ignore; go against; show disrespect or disregard for.
You can't fly in the face of good business rules and expect to he successful.
Floyd's friends tried to help him, but he flew in the teeth of their advice and soon became a drunkard.
hatchet face
A long narrow face with sharp parts; also, a person with such a face.
Johnny was sent to the principal's office because he called his teacher old hatchet face.
He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome.
hide one's face
hide one's head
To lower your head or turn your face away because of shame or embarrassment.
The teacher found out that Tom had cheated, and Tom hid his head.
When Bob said how pretty Mary was, she blushed and hid her face.
To feel embarrassed or ashamed.
We will beat the other team so badly that they will hide their heads in shame.
in one's face
Against your face.
The trick cigar blew up in the clown's face.
A cold wind was in our faces as we walked to school.
In front of you.
The maid slammed the door in the salesman's face.
I told the boys that they were wrong, but they laughed in my face.